[1] |
江吉彬,练国富,许明三. 激光熔覆技术研究现状及趋势[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2015,29(1): 27-36.JIANG Jibin,LIAN Guofu,XU Mingsan. Research on status and trend of laser cladding[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Natural Science),2015,29(1): 27-36.
[2] |
TOYSERKANI E, KHAJEPOUR A, CORBIN S. Laser Cladding[M]. 1st ed. New York: CRC Press, 2005.
[3] |
王鑫林,邓德伟,胡恒,等. Z轴单层行程对激光熔覆成形的影响[J]. 激光技术,2015,39(5): 702-705.WANG Xinlin, DENG Dewei, HU Heng, et al. Effect of single z-increment on laser cladding forming[J]. Laser Technology,2015,39(5): 702-705.
[4] |
朱刚贤,张安峰,李涤尘,等. 激光金属制造薄壁零件z轴单层行程模型[J]. 焊接学报,2010,31(8): 57-60.ZHU Gangxian, ZHANG Anfeng, LI Dichen, et al. Model of layer thickness of thin-walled parts in laser metal direct manufacturing[J]. Transactions of the China Welding Institution,2010,31(8): 57-60.
[5] |
李建忠,黎向锋,左敦稳,等. 模拟研究离焦量对7050铝合金Al/Ti熔覆过程的影响[J]. 红外与激光工程,2015,44(4): 1126-1133.LI Jianzhong, LI Xiangfeng, ZUO Dunwen, et al. Influence of defocusing amount on the process of Al/Ti cladding above 7050 aluminum alloy based on numerical simulation study[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering,2015,44(4): 1126-1133.
[6] |
邱星武. 离焦量对激光熔覆层组织及性能的影响[J]. 精密成形工程,2017, 9(2): 98-101.QIU Xingwu. Effects of defocusing distance on microstructure and properties of laser cladding layer[J]. Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering, 2017, 9(2): 98-101.
[7] |
魏金龙,于爱兵,施晨淳,等. 工艺参数对激光熔覆裂纹缺陷的影响[J]. 激光杂志,2016,37(4): 7-10.WEI Jinlong, YU Aibing, SHI Chenchun, et al. Influence of process parameters on laser cladding crack defects[J]. Laser Journal, 2016,37(4): 7-10.
[8] |
张德强,张吉庆,李金华,等. 离焦量对45#钢表面激光熔覆镍基碳化钨粉的影响[J]. 表面技术,2015,44(12): 92-97.ZHANG Deqiang, ZHANG Jiqing, LI Jinhua, et al. Effect of defocusing amount on laser cladding of self-fluxing Ni-based WC on 45# steel surface[J]. Surface Technology, 2015,44(12): 92-97.
[9] |
GAO W, ZHAO S, LIU F, et al. Effect of defocus manner on laser cladding of Fe-based alloy powder[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 248(13): 54-62.
[10] |
RAUF M M, SHAHID M, DURRANI Y A, et al. Cladding of Ni–20Cr coatings by optimizing the CO2 laser parameters[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2016, 41(6): 2353-2362.
[11] |
RIQUELME A, RODRIGO P, ESCALERA-RODRGUEZ M D, et al. Analysis and optimization of process parameters in Al-SiCp laser cladding[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2016,78(2):165-173.
[12] |
MAHAMOOD R M, AKINLABI E T. Processing parameters optimization for material deposition efficiency in laser metal deposited titanium alloy[J]. Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2016,3(1):9-21.
[13] |
FU F X, ZHANG Y L, CHANG G R, et al. Analysis on the physical mechanism of laser cladding crack and its influence factors[J]. Optik, 2016, 127(1): 200-202.
[14] |
WANG D Z, HU Q W, ZHENG Y L, et al. Study on deposition rate and laser energy efficiency of laser-induction hybrid cladding[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2016, 77:16-22.
[1] |
江吉彬,练国富,许明三. 激光熔覆技术研究现状及趋势[J]. 重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2015,29(1): 27-36.JIANG Jibin,LIAN Guofu,XU Mingsan. Research on status and trend of laser cladding[J]. Journal of Chongqing University of Technology(Natural Science),2015,29(1): 27-36.
[2] |
TOYSERKANI E, KHAJEPOUR A, CORBIN S. Laser Cladding[M]. 1st ed. New York: CRC Press, 2005.
[3] |
王鑫林,邓德伟,胡恒,等. Z轴单层行程对激光熔覆成形的影响[J]. 激光技术,2015,39(5): 702-705.WANG Xinlin, DENG Dewei, HU Heng, et al. Effect of single z-increment on laser cladding forming[J]. Laser Technology,2015,39(5): 702-705.
[4] |
朱刚贤,张安峰,李涤尘,等. 激光金属制造薄壁零件z轴单层行程模型[J]. 焊接学报,2010,31(8): 57-60.ZHU Gangxian, ZHANG Anfeng, LI Dichen, et al. Model of layer thickness of thin-walled parts in laser metal direct manufacturing[J]. Transactions of the China Welding Institution,2010,31(8): 57-60.
[5] |
李建忠,黎向锋,左敦稳,等. 模拟研究离焦量对7050铝合金Al/Ti熔覆过程的影响[J]. 红外与激光工程,2015,44(4): 1126-1133.LI Jianzhong, LI Xiangfeng, ZUO Dunwen, et al. Influence of defocusing amount on the process of Al/Ti cladding above 7050 aluminum alloy based on numerical simulation study[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering,2015,44(4): 1126-1133.
[6] |
邱星武. 离焦量对激光熔覆层组织及性能的影响[J]. 精密成形工程,2017, 9(2): 98-101.QIU Xingwu. Effects of defocusing distance on microstructure and properties of laser cladding layer[J]. Journal of Netshape Forming Engineering, 2017, 9(2): 98-101.
[7] |
魏金龙,于爱兵,施晨淳,等. 工艺参数对激光熔覆裂纹缺陷的影响[J]. 激光杂志,2016,37(4): 7-10.WEI Jinlong, YU Aibing, SHI Chenchun, et al. Influence of process parameters on laser cladding crack defects[J]. Laser Journal, 2016,37(4): 7-10.
[8] |
张德强,张吉庆,李金华,等. 离焦量对45#钢表面激光熔覆镍基碳化钨粉的影响[J]. 表面技术,2015,44(12): 92-97.ZHANG Deqiang, ZHANG Jiqing, LI Jinhua, et al. Effect of defocusing amount on laser cladding of self-fluxing Ni-based WC on 45# steel surface[J]. Surface Technology, 2015,44(12): 92-97.
[9] |
GAO W, ZHAO S, LIU F, et al. Effect of defocus manner on laser cladding of Fe-based alloy powder[J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2014, 248(13): 54-62.
[10] |
RAUF M M, SHAHID M, DURRANI Y A, et al. Cladding of Ni–20Cr coatings by optimizing the CO2 laser parameters[J]. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2016, 41(6): 2353-2362.
[11] |
RIQUELME A, RODRIGO P, ESCALERA-RODRGUEZ M D, et al. Analysis and optimization of process parameters in Al-SiCp laser cladding[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 2016,78(2):165-173.
[12] |
MAHAMOOD R M, AKINLABI E T. Processing parameters optimization for material deposition efficiency in laser metal deposited titanium alloy[J]. Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 2016,3(1):9-21.
[13] |
FU F X, ZHANG Y L, CHANG G R, et al. Analysis on the physical mechanism of laser cladding crack and its influence factors[J]. Optik, 2016, 127(1): 200-202.
[14] |
WANG D Z, HU Q W, ZHENG Y L, et al. Study on deposition rate and laser energy efficiency of laser-induction hybrid cladding[J]. Optics & Laser Technology, 2016, 77:16-22.