ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N


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On joint analysing XMM-NuSTAR spectra of active galactic nuclei
Jia-Lai Kang, Jun-Xian Wang
2024, 54(7): 0702. doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-2023-0160
A recently released XMM-Newton note revealed a significant calibration issue between nuclear spectroscopic telescope array (NuSTAR) and XMM-Newton European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) and provided an empirical correction to the EPIC effective area. To quantify the bias caused by the calibration issue in the joint analysis of XMM-NuSTAR spectra and verify the effectiveness of the correction, in this work, we perform joint-fitting of the NuSTAR and EPIC-pn spectra for a large sample of 104 observation pairs of 44 X-ray bright active galactic nuclei (AGN). The spectra were extracted after requiring perfect simultaneity between the XMM-Newton and NuSTAR exposures (merging Good Time Intervals, GTIs from two missions) to avoid bias due to the rapid spectral variability of the AGN. Before the correction, the EPIC-pn spectra are systematically harder than the corresponding NuSTAR spectra by \begin{document}$\Delta \varGamma \sim 0.1 $\end{document}, subsequently yielding significantly underestimated cutoff energy Ecut and the strength of reflection component R when performing joint-fitting. We confirm that the correction is highly effective and can commendably erase the discrepancy in best-fit Γ, Ecut, and R. We thus urge the community to apply the correction when joint-fitting XMM-NuSTAR spectra, but note that the correction is limited to 3–12 keV and therefore not applicable when the soft X-ray band data are included. Besides, we show that as merging GTIs from two missions would cause severe loss of NuSTAR net exposure time, in many cases, joint-fitting yields no advantage compared with utilizing NuSTAR data alone. We finally present a technical note on filtering periods of high background flares for XMM-Newton EPIC-pn exposures in the Small Window mode. A recently released XMM-Newton note revealed a significant calibration issue between nuclear spectroscopic telescope array (NuSTAR) and XMM-Newton European Photon Imaging Camera (EPIC) and provided an empirical correction to the EPIC effective area. To quantify the bias caused by the calibration issue in the joint analysis of XMM-NuSTAR spectra and verify the effectiveness of the correction, in this work, we perform joint-fitting of the NuSTAR and EPIC-pn spectra for a large sample of 104 observation pairs of 44 X-ray bright active galactic nuclei (AGN). The spectra were extracted after requiring perfect simultaneity between the XMM-Newton and NuSTAR exposures (merging Good Time Intervals, GTIs from two missions) to avoid bias due to the rapid spectral variability of the AGN. Before the correction, the EPIC-pn spectra are systematically harder than the corresponding NuSTAR spectra by $\Delta \varGamma \sim 0.1 $, subsequently yielding significantly underestimated cutoff energy Ecut and the strength of reflection component R when performing joint-fitting. We confirm that the correction is highly effective and can commendably erase the discrepancy in best-fit Γ, Ecut, and R. We thus urge the community to apply the correction when joint-fitting XMM-NuSTAR spectra, but note that the correction is limited to 3–12 keV and therefore not applicable when the soft X-ray band data are included. Besides, we show that as merging GTIs from two missions would cause severe loss of NuSTAR net exposure time, in many cases, joint-fitting yields no advantage compared with utilizing NuSTAR data alone. We finally present a technical note on filtering periods of high background flares for XMM-Newton EPIC-pn exposures in the Small Window mode.
How is a black hole created from nothing?
Zhongchao Wu
2024, 54(7): 0703. doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-2024-0010
Using the synchronous coordinates, the creation of a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in a de Sitter spacetime can be viewed as a coherent creation of a collection of timelike geodesics. The previously supposed conical singularities do not exist at the horizons of the constrained instanton. Instead, the unavoidable irregularity is presented as a non-vanishing second fundamental form elsewhere at the quantum transition 3-surface. The same arguments can be applied to charged, topological or higher dimensional black hole cases. Using the synchronous coordinates, the creation of a Schwarzschild black hole immersed in a de Sitter spacetime can be viewed as a coherent creation of a collection of timelike geodesics. The previously supposed conical singularities do not exist at the horizons of the constrained instanton. Instead, the unavoidable irregularity is presented as a non-vanishing second fundamental form elsewhere at the quantum transition 3-surface. The same arguments can be applied to charged, topological or higher dimensional black hole cases.
The NuSTAR extragalactic surveys: Source catalogs from the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South and the Chandra Deep Field-North
Tianyi Zhang, Yongquan Xue
2023, 53(7): 0706. doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-2023-0032
We present a routinized and reliable method to obtain source catalogs from the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) extragalactic surveys of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (E-CDF-S) and Chandra Deep Field-North (CDF-N). The NuSTAR E-CDF-S survey covers a sky area of \begin{document}$\sim30'\times30'$\end{document} to a maximum depth of \begin{document}$\sim230\;{\rm{ks}}$\end{document} corrected for vignetting in the 3–24 keV band, with a total of 58 sources detected in our E-CDF-S catalog; the NuSTAR CDF-N survey covers a sky area of \begin{document}$\sim7'\times10'$\end{document} to a maximum depth of \begin{document}$\sim440\;{\rm{ks}}$\end{document} corrected for vignetting in the 3–24 keV band, with a total of 42 sources detected in our CDF-N catalog that is produced for the first time. We verify the reliability of our two catalogs by crossmatching them with the relevant catalogs from the Chandra X-ray observatory and find that the fluxes of our NuSTAR sources are generally consistent with those of their Chandra counterparts. Our two catalogs are produced following the exact same method and made publicly available, thereby providing a uniform platform that facilitates further studies involving these two fields. Our source-detection method provides a systematic approach for source cataloging in other NuSTAR extragalactic surveys. We present a routinized and reliable method to obtain source catalogs from the Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) extragalactic surveys of the Extended Chandra Deep Field-South (E-CDF-S) and Chandra Deep Field-North (CDF-N). The NuSTAR E-CDF-S survey covers a sky area of $\sim30'\times30'$ to a maximum depth of $\sim230\;{\rm{ks}}$ corrected for vignetting in the 3–24 keV band, with a total of 58 sources detected in our E-CDF-S catalog; the NuSTAR CDF-N survey covers a sky area of $\sim7'\times10'$ to a maximum depth of $\sim440\;{\rm{ks}}$ corrected for vignetting in the 3–24 keV band, with a total of 42 sources detected in our CDF-N catalog that is produced for the first time. We verify the reliability of our two catalogs by crossmatching them with the relevant catalogs from the Chandra X-ray observatory and find that the fluxes of our NuSTAR sources are generally consistent with those of their Chandra counterparts. Our two catalogs are produced following the exact same method and made publicly available, thereby providing a uniform platform that facilitates further studies involving these two fields. Our source-detection method provides a systematic approach for source cataloging in other NuSTAR extragalactic surveys.
Investigating Galactic cosmic rays with γ-ray astronomy
Ruizhi Yang
2023, 53(1): 2. doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-2021-0269
Cosmic rays (CRs) are one of the most important components in the interstellar medium (ISM), and the origin of CRs remains a mystery. The diffusion of CRs in turbulent magnetic fields erases the information on the distribution of CR accelerators to a large extent. The energy dependent diffusion of CRs also significantly modifies the initial (acceleration) spectra of CRs. In this regard, γ-rays, the secondary products of interactions of CRs with gas and photons in the ISM, provide us with more information about the origin of CRs. More specifically, the γ-ray emissions associated with gas, can be used to study the distribution of CRs throughout the Galaxy; discrete γ-ray sources can elucidate the locations of individual CR accelerators. Here, the current status and prospects in these fields are reviewed. Cosmic rays (CRs) are one of the most important components in the interstellar medium (ISM), and the origin of CRs remains a mystery. The diffusion of CRs in turbulent magnetic fields erases the information on the distribution of CR accelerators to a large extent. The energy dependent diffusion of CRs also significantly modifies the initial (acceleration) spectra of CRs. In this regard, γ-rays, the secondary products of interactions of CRs with gas and photons in the ISM, provide us with more information about the origin of CRs. More specifically, the γ-ray emissions associated with gas, can be used to study the distribution of CRs throughout the Galaxy; discrete γ-ray sources can elucidate the locations of individual CR accelerators. Here, the current status and prospects in these fields are reviewed.
Unruh effect of multiparticle states and black hole radiation
Jianyu Wang
2022, 52(6): 4. doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-2022-0039
In this study, we investigated the field under the Unruh effect. The energy and entanglement properties of the single-mode \begin{document}$q$\end{document}-particle states were discussed. We found that in the non-inertial reference frame \begin{document}$|q, 0\rangle_\alpha$\end{document} states exhibit a similar energy spectrum to vacuum \begin{document}$|0, 0\rangle_\alpha$\end{document}, but with different entanglement properties. With respect to an application, we proposed a black hole radiation model, assuming that states near the horizon are constructed via \begin{document}$q$\end{document}-particle states. We calculated the evolution of the entanglement entropy of radiation and proved that our model can reproduce the Page curve. Hence, this can be considered as an indication solution of the black hole information paradox. In this study, we investigated the field under the Unruh effect. The energy and entanglement properties of the single-mode $q$-particle states were discussed. We found that in the non-inertial reference frame $|q, 0\rangle_\alpha$ states exhibit a similar energy spectrum to vacuum $|0, 0\rangle_\alpha$, but with different entanglement properties. With respect to an application, we proposed a black hole radiation model, assuming that states near the horizon are constructed via $q$-particle states. We calculated the evolution of the entanglement entropy of radiation and proved that our model can reproduce the Page curve. Hence, this can be considered as an indication solution of the black hole information paradox.
Radiation hardness characterization of low gain avalanche detector prototypes for the high granularity timing detector
Xiao Yang, Kuo Ma, Xiangxuan Zheng, Yanwen Liu
2022, 52(1): 3. doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-2021-0204

The high granularity timing detector (HGTD) is a crucial component of the ATLAS phase II upgrade to cope with the extremely high pile-up (the average number of interactions per bunch crossing can be as high as 200). With the precise timing information (σt~30 ps) of the tracks, the track-to-vertex association can be performed in the “4-D” space. The Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) technology is chosen for the sensors, which can provide the required timing resolution and good signal-to-noise ratio. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK) has produced the LGAD with thicknesses of 35 μm and 50 μm. The University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) has also developed and produced 50 μm LGADs prototypes with the Institute of Microelectronics (IME) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. To evaluate the irradiation hardness, the sensors are irradiated with the neutron at the JSI reactor facility and tested at USTC. The irradiation effects on both the gain layer and the bulk are characterized by I-V and C-V measurements at room temperature (20 ℃) or −30 ℃. The breakdown voltages and depletion voltages are extracted and presented as a function of the fluences. The final fitting of the acceptor removal model yielded the c-factor of 3.06×10−16 cm−2, 3.89×10−16 cm−2 and 4.12×10−16 cm−2 for the HPK-1.2, HPK-3.2 and USTC-1.1-W8, respectively, showing that the HPK-1.2 sensors have the most irradiation resistant gain layer. A novel analysis method is used to further exploit the data to get the relationship between the c-factor and initial doping density.

The high granularity timing detector (HGTD) is a crucial component of the ATLAS phase II upgrade to cope with the extremely high pile-up (the average number of interactions per bunch crossing can be as high as 200). With the precise timing information (σt~30 ps) of the tracks, the track-to-vertex association can be performed in the “4-D” space. The Low Gain Avalanche Detector (LGAD) technology is chosen for the sensors, which can provide the required timing resolution and good signal-to-noise ratio. Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (HPK) has produced the LGAD with thicknesses of 35 μm and 50 μm. The University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) has also developed and produced 50 μm LGADs prototypes with the Institute of Microelectronics (IME) of Chinese Academy of Sciences. To evaluate the irradiation hardness, the sensors are irradiated with the neutron at the JSI reactor facility and tested at USTC. The irradiation effects on both the gain layer and the bulk are characterized by I-V and C-V measurements at room temperature (20 ℃) or −30 ℃. The breakdown voltages and depletion voltages are extracted and presented as a function of the fluences. The final fitting of the acceptor removal model yielded the c-factor of 3.06×10−16 cm−2, 3.89×10−16 cm−2 and 4.12×10−16 cm−2 for the HPK-1.2, HPK-3.2 and USTC-1.1-W8, respectively, showing that the HPK-1.2 sensors have the most irradiation resistant gain layer. A novel analysis method is used to further exploit the data to get the relationship between the c-factor and initial doping density.