ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N


Study of e+e-→K+K- η process with the CMD-3 detector at VEPP-2000 collider

  • The results of the study of e+e--→Ф(1020)η process with the CMD-3 detector are reported. The analysis is based on an integrated luminosity of 22 pb-1 collected by the CMD-3 in 2011-2012. It was established that only Ф(1020)η intermediate state can be recognized at the current level of CMD-3 statistics. The cross section of e+e--→Ф(1020)η process was measured at 30 center-of-mass energy points in the range from 1.59 up to 2.0 GeV. The η meson was treated as a recoil particle and all the modes of η decay were used. A total of 1454±48 events of signal process were selected. The measured cross section was approximated according to vector meson dominance model as a sum of Ф(1680) and nonresonant amplitudes, and the preliminary results for Ф(1680) meson parameters have been obtained.
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