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Nielsen M A, Chuang I L. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information [M]. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
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Zanardi P, Rasetti M. Noiseless quantum codes [J]. Physical Review Letters, 1997, 79(17): 3 306-3 309.
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Lidar D A, Chuang I L, Whaley K B. Decoherence-free subspaces for quantum computation [J]. Physical Review Letters, 1998, 81(12): 2 594-2 597.
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Viola L, Fortunato E M, Pravia M A, et al. Experimental realization of noiseless subsystems for quantum information processing [J]. Science, 2001, 293(5537): 2 059-2 063.
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Choi M D, Kribs D W. Method to find quantum noiseless subsystems [J]. Physical Review Letters, 2006, 96(5): 050501(1-5).
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Xu G F, Zhang J, Tong D M, et al. Nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces [J]. Physical Review Letters, 2012, 109(17): 170501(1-4).
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Kumagai H, Yamamoto T, Koashi M, et al. Robustness of quantum communication based on a decoherence-free subspace using a counter-propagating weak coherent light pulse [J]. Physical Review A, 2013, 87(5): 052325(1-8).
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Shabani A, Lidar D A. Theory of initialization-free decoherence-free subspaces and subsystems [J]. Physical Review A, 2005, 72(4): 042303(1-15).
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Viola L, Ticozzi F. Attractive quantum subsystems and feedback-stabilization problems [C]// Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Physics and control. Potsdam, Germany: IEEE Press, 2007.
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Ticozzi F, Viola L. Quantum Markovian subsystems: Invariance, attractivity, and control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2008, 53(9): 2 048-2 063.
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Ticozzi F, Viola L. Analysis and synthesis of attractive quantum Markovian dynamics [J]. Automatica, 2009, 45(9): 2002-2009.
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Nishio K, Kashima K, Imura J. Global feedback stabilization of quantum noiseless subsystems [C]// American Control Conference. St. Louis, USA: IEEE Press, 2009: 1 499-1 504.
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Schirmer S G, Wang X T. Stabilizing open quantum systems by Markovian reservoir engineering [J]. Physical Review A, 2010, 81(6): 062306(1-14).
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Ticozzi F, Lucchese R, Cappellaro P, et al. Hamiltonian control of quantum dynamical semigroups: Stabilization and convergence speed [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012, 57(8): 1 931-1 944.
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Ticozzi F, Nishio K, Altafini C. Stabilization of stochastic quantum dynamics via open and closed loop control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(1): 74-85.
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Lindblad G. On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups [J]. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1976, 48(2): 119-130.
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Gorini V, Kossakowski A, Sudarshan E C G. Completely positive dynamical semigroups of N-level systems [J]. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1976, 17(5): 821-825.
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Viola L, Knill E, Laflamme R. Constructing qubits in physical systems [J]. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2001, 34(35): 7 067-7 079.
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Knill E. Protected realizations of quantum information [J]. Physical Review A, 2006, 74(4): 042301(1-11).
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Ticozzi F, Schirmer S G, Wang X T. Stabilizing quantum states by constructive design of open quantum dynamics [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55(12): 2 901-2 905.
[1] |
Nielsen M A, Chuang I L. Quantum Computation and Quantum Information [M]. Cambridge University Press, 2010.
[2] |
Zanardi P, Rasetti M. Noiseless quantum codes [J]. Physical Review Letters, 1997, 79(17): 3 306-3 309.
[3] |
Lidar D A, Chuang I L, Whaley K B. Decoherence-free subspaces for quantum computation [J]. Physical Review Letters, 1998, 81(12): 2 594-2 597.
[4] |
Viola L, Fortunato E M, Pravia M A, et al. Experimental realization of noiseless subsystems for quantum information processing [J]. Science, 2001, 293(5537): 2 059-2 063.
[5] |
Choi M D, Kribs D W. Method to find quantum noiseless subsystems [J]. Physical Review Letters, 2006, 96(5): 050501(1-5).
[6] |
Xu G F, Zhang J, Tong D M, et al. Nonadiabatic holonomic quantum computation in decoherence-free subspaces [J]. Physical Review Letters, 2012, 109(17): 170501(1-4).
[7] |
Kumagai H, Yamamoto T, Koashi M, et al. Robustness of quantum communication based on a decoherence-free subspace using a counter-propagating weak coherent light pulse [J]. Physical Review A, 2013, 87(5): 052325(1-8).
[8] |
Shabani A, Lidar D A. Theory of initialization-free decoherence-free subspaces and subsystems [J]. Physical Review A, 2005, 72(4): 042303(1-15).
[9] |
Viola L, Ticozzi F. Attractive quantum subsystems and feedback-stabilization problems [C]// Proceedings of the 3rd International conference on Physics and control. Potsdam, Germany: IEEE Press, 2007.
[10] |
Ticozzi F, Viola L. Quantum Markovian subsystems: Invariance, attractivity, and control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2008, 53(9): 2 048-2 063.
[11] |
Ticozzi F, Viola L. Analysis and synthesis of attractive quantum Markovian dynamics [J]. Automatica, 2009, 45(9): 2002-2009.
[12] |
Nishio K, Kashima K, Imura J. Global feedback stabilization of quantum noiseless subsystems [C]// American Control Conference. St. Louis, USA: IEEE Press, 2009: 1 499-1 504.
[13] |
Schirmer S G, Wang X T. Stabilizing open quantum systems by Markovian reservoir engineering [J]. Physical Review A, 2010, 81(6): 062306(1-14).
[14] |
Ticozzi F, Lucchese R, Cappellaro P, et al. Hamiltonian control of quantum dynamical semigroups: Stabilization and convergence speed [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2012, 57(8): 1 931-1 944.
[15] |
Ticozzi F, Nishio K, Altafini C. Stabilization of stochastic quantum dynamics via open and closed loop control [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2013, 58(1): 74-85.
[16] |
Lindblad G. On the generators of quantum dynamical semigroups [J]. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1976, 48(2): 119-130.
[17] |
Gorini V, Kossakowski A, Sudarshan E C G. Completely positive dynamical semigroups of N-level systems [J]. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 1976, 17(5): 821-825.
[18] |
Viola L, Knill E, Laflamme R. Constructing qubits in physical systems [J]. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 2001, 34(35): 7 067-7 079.
[19] |
Knill E. Protected realizations of quantum information [J]. Physical Review A, 2006, 74(4): 042301(1-11).
[20] |
Ticozzi F, Schirmer S G, Wang X T. Stabilizing quantum states by constructive design of open quantum dynamics [J]. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2010, 55(12): 2 901-2 905.