Investigation into the In-box LOCA of water cooled solid breeder blanket for CFETR based on PWR conditions
China Fusion Engineering Testing Reactor(CFETR)is an “ITER-like” DEMO fusion reactor in China. As one of the breeding blanket candidates for CFETR, a water cooled breeder blanket based on PWR conditions has been designed. Here In-box LOCA of water cooled solid breeder blanket for CFETR based on PWR conditions was investigated by RELAP5/MOD3.4. The accident’s processes were described in detail and its results were analyzed preliminarily.According to the computational results, first wall (FW) does not melt and the production of hydrogen is lower than the limit. Meanwhile, due to the rupture disk, the flow can vent into the vacuum vessel(VV) after the accident, which ensures the integrity of the blanket. And due to the large volume of the VV, the final pressure of VV is much lower than the limit.