Dynamic spectrum allocation in cognitive radio networks based on multi-auctioneer progressive auction
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is a promising paradigm to achieve efficient utilization of spectrum resources by allowing unlicensed users (i.e., secondary users, SUs) to access the licensed spectrums. A key issue in DSA is how to assign the idle spectrum bands of multiple primary spectrum owners (POs) among the SUs. A Multi-Auctioneer Progressive spectrum auction mechanism (MAP) based on the auction theory is proposed, where the POs act as the auctioneers and SUs act as the bidders. In MAP, each auctioneer systematically raises the price and each bidder subsequently chooses one auctioneer for bidding. Its shown analytically that MAP converges to an equilibrium where spectrum utilization is maximized. Its further shown that MAP dynamic spectrum access is low in complexity and traffic overhead.