We solve in closed-form the optimal investment strategies in equity and VIX derivatives in a stochastic volatility model with jumps. Our framework includes both complete market and incomplete market cases, when diffusive risk, volatility risk and jump risk are present. VIX derivatives allow for direct exposure to volatility risk compared to equity derivatives. Based on the closed-form formulas, we explicitly determine the portfolio improvements brought by the inclusion of the VIX derivatives and establish that it is theoretically positive. This justifies the economic intuition and observed demand for VIX derivatives in a portfolio management setting. Numerical examples illustrate the results.
Considering the presence of diffusive risk, volatility risk, and jump risk, the inclusion of the VIX derivatives improved the portfolio performance.
Sensitivity of portfolio weights for the complete market case. The lines are in the same style of Fig. 1 in Ref. [14] to make comparison, i.e., the
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