High-fidelity quantum operation of qubits plays an important role in magnetometry based on nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamonds. However, the nontrivial spin-spin coupling of the NV center decreases signal contrast and sensitivity. Here, we overcome this limitation by exploiting the amplitude modulation of microwaves, which allows us to perfectly detect magnetic signals at low fields. Compared with the traditional double-quantum sensing protocol, the full contrast of the detection signal was recovered, and the sensitivity was enhanced three times in the experiment. Our method is applicable to a wide range of sensing tasks, such as temperature, strain, and electric field.
Implement double-quantum magnetometry in diamond with high-fidelity quantum control.
Coherent operation of a single NV center in diamond. (a) Pulsed ODMR spectrum of a single
Rabi oscillation with shaped MW pulse. (a) MW sequence scheme of amplitude modulation. The gray region denotes carrier frequency (
Ramsey sensing results. (a) Pulse sequence for the Ramsey sensing protocol. A DC magnetic field is applied along the NV center axis. (b–c) Ramsey fringes of the NV center driven with or without amplitude modulation of MW pulse. Here, the MW pulse addresses the target transition
DQ Ramsey sensing protocol and results. (a) Pulse sequence for the DQ Ramsey sensing protocol. Compared with the SQ Ramsey sequence, the
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