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ISSN 0253-2778

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Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Mathematics 18 August 2023

Inference of subgroup-level treatment effects via generic causal tree in observational studies

Cite this: JUSTC, 2023, 53(11): 1102
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  • Author Bio:

    Caiwei Zhang is a graduate student under the supervision of Prof. Zemin Zheng at the University of Science and Technology of China. Her research focus on causal inference based on machine learning

    Zemin Zheng is a Full Professor at the Department of Management, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He received his B.S. degree from the USTC in 2010 and Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California in 2015. Afterwards, he has been working in the Department of Management, USTC. His research mainly focuses on high dimensional statistical inference and big data problems. He has published some articles in top journals of Statistics, including Journal of Royal Statistical Society Series B, The Annals of Statistics, Operations Research, and Journal of Machine Learning Research. In addition, he has also presided over several scientific research projects, including the Youth Project of the National Natural Foundation of China (NSFC) and General Projects of the NSFC

  • Corresponding author: E-mail: zhengzm@ustc.edu.cn
  • Received Date: 21 March 2022
  • Accepted Date: 25 May 2022
  • Available Online: 18 August 2023
  • Exploring heterogeneity in causal effects has wide applications in the field of policy evaluation and decision-making. In recent years, researchers have begun employing machine learning methods to study causality, among which the most popular methods generally estimate heterogeneous treatment effects at the individual level. However, we argue that in large sample cases, identifying heterogeneity at the subgroup level is more intuitive and intelligble from a decision-making perspective. In this paper, we provide a tree-based method, called the generic causal tree (GCT), to identify the subgroup-level treatment effects in observational studies. The tree is designed to split by maximizing the disparity of treatment effects between subgroups, embedding a semiparametric framework for the improvement of treatment effect estimation. To accomplish valid statistical inference of the tree-based estimators of treatment effects, we adopt honest estimation to separate tree-building process and inference process. In the simulation, we show that the GCT algorithm has distinct advantages in subgroup identification and gives estimation with higher accuracy compared with the other two benchmark methods. Additionally, we verify the effectiveness of statistical inference by GCT.
    A tree-based algorithm for subgroup identification with high interpretability allows valid inference for tree estimators.
    • We provide a tree-based algorithm for subgroup identification that embeds a Robinson-style semiparametric model to estimate subgroup-level treatment effects.
    • The method is stepwise convex, computationally stable, efficient and scalable.
    • Both theoretical and simulation results verify the feasibility of our method.


    Figure  1.  The distribution of MSE over 1000 simulated datasets in heterogeneous (left) and homogeneous settings (right).

    Figure  2.  The MSE curves of three tree-based algorithms with sample sizes increased from 1000 to 20000. The curves of CIT-DR-fitBe and CIT-DR-fitIn almost overlap in a homogeneous setting.

    Figure  3.  The final tree model for TEDS-A (Maryland, 2015). The square bracket under each node is the confidence interval for this subgroup.

    Figure  4.  The distribution of days waiting to OUD treatment in four subgroups.

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