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Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Physics 12 October 2024

On capped Higgs positivity cone

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  • Author Bio:

    Dong-Yu Hong is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Science and Technology of China. His research mainly focuses on positivity bounds in effective field theories

    Zhuo-Hui Wang is currently a master’s student at the University of Science and Technology of China. His research mainly focuses on positivity bounds in effective field theories

    Shuang-Yong Zhou is currently a Professor of Physics at the University of Science and Technology of China. He received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Nottingham in 2012 and subsequently held postdoctoral positions at SISSA in Trieste, Case Western Reserve University, and Imperial College London. His current research interests include S-matrix bootstrap/positivity bounds in effective field theories and their applications in particle physics and gravitational theories, as well as nontopological solitons and nonperturbative field simulations

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  • Received Date: 22 November 2023
  • Accepted Date: 05 March 2024
  • Available Online: 12 October 2024
  • The Wilson coefficients of the standard model effective field theory are subject to a series of positivity bounds. It has been shown that while the positivity part of the ultraviolet (UV) partial wave unitarity leads to the Wilson coefficients living in a convex cone, further including the nonpositivity part caps the cone from above. For Higgs scattering, a capped positivity cone was obtained using a simplified, linear unitarity condition without utilizing the full internal symmetries of Higgs scattering. Here, we further implement stronger nonlinear unitarity conditions from the UV, which generically gives rise to better bounds. We show that, for the Higgs case in particular, while the nonlinear unitarity conditions per se do not enhance the bounds, the fuller use of the internal symmetries do shrink the capped positivity cone significantly.
    The bound on two dim-8 coefficients of the Higgs. The orange and red regions represent the results of the current paper using linear and nonlinear unitarity conditions, respectively, with all the symmetries of the SMEFT Higgs included, while the blue region represents the previous result using linear unitarity conditions but without full Higgs symmetry.
    The Wilson coefficients of the standard model effective field theory are subject to a series of positivity bounds. It has been shown that while the positivity part of the ultraviolet (UV) partial wave unitarity leads to the Wilson coefficients living in a convex cone, further including the nonpositivity part caps the cone from above. For Higgs scattering, a capped positivity cone was obtained using a simplified, linear unitarity condition without utilizing the full internal symmetries of Higgs scattering. Here, we further implement stronger nonlinear unitarity conditions from the UV, which generically gives rise to better bounds. We show that, for the Higgs case in particular, while the nonlinear unitarity conditions per se do not enhance the bounds, the fuller use of the internal symmetries do shrink the capped positivity cone significantly.
    • We cap the positivity cone from above by making fuller use of unitarity conditions.
    • We present a systematic method for obtaining more robust positivity bounds by employing nonlinear unitarity conditions and incorporating all symmetries of the SMEFT Higgs.
    • We explain the differences in performance between linear and nonlinear unitarity conditions, demonstrating how the nonlinear unitarity conditions can be reduced to the linear ones.

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    de Rham C, Melville S, Tolley A J, et al. Positivity bounds for scalar field theories. Physical Review D, 2017, 96: 081702. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.96.081702
    de Rham C, Melville S, Tolley A J, et al. UV complete me: Positivity bounds for particles with spin. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018, 2018: 11. doi: 10.1007/jhep03(2018)011
    Arkani-Hamed N, Huang T C, Huang Y T. The EFT-hedron. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 259. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2021)259
    Bellazzini B, Miró J E, Rattazzi R, et al. Positive moments for scattering amplitudes. Physical Review D, 2021, 104: 036006. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.104.036006
    Tolley A J, Wang Z Y, Zhou S Y. New positivity bounds from full crossing symmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 255. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2021)255
    Caron-Huot S, Van Duong V. Extremal effective field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 280. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2021)280
    Chiang L Y, Huang Y T, Li W, et al. Into the EFThedron and UV constraints from IR consistency. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 2021: 63. doi: 10.1007/jhep03(2022)063
    Sinha A, Zahed A. Crossing symmetric dispersion relations in quantum field theories. Physical Review Letters, 2021, 126: 181601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.126.181601
    Zhang C, Zhou S Y. Convex geometry perspective on the (standard model) effective field theory space. Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125: 201601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.125.201601
    Li X, Xu H, Yang C, et al. Positivity in multifield effective field theories. Physical Review Letters, 2021, 127: 121601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.121601
    Bellazzini B, Martucci L, Torre R. Symmetries, sum rules and constraints on effective field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014, 2014: 100. doi: 10.1007/jhep09(2014)100
    Bellazzini B. Softness and amplitudes’ positivity for spinning particles. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017, 2017: 34. doi: 10.1007/jhep02(2017)034
    Bern Z, Kosmopoulos D, Zhiboedov A. Gravitational effective field theory islands, low-spin dominance, and the four-graviton amplitude. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2021, 54: 344002. doi: 10.1088/1751-8121/ac0e51
    Alberte L, de Rham C, Jaitly S, et al. Positivity bounds and the massless spin-2 pole. Physical Review D, 2020, 102: 125023. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.102.125023
    Tokuda J, Aoki K, Hirano S. Gravitational positivity bounds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 2020: 54. doi: 10.1007/jhep11(2020)054
    Caron-Huot S, Mazáč D, Rastelli L, et al. Sharp boundaries for the swampland. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 110. doi: 10.1007/jhep07(2021)110
    Grall T, Melville S. Positivity bounds without boosts: New constraints on low energy effective field theories from the UV. Physical Review D, 2022, 105: L121301. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.105.l121301
    Du Z Z, Zhang C, Zhou S Y. Triple crossing positivity bounds for multi-field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 115. doi: 10.1007/jhep12(2021)115
    Alberte L, de Rham C, Jaitly S, et al. Reverse bootstrapping: IR lessons for UV physics. Physical Review Letters, 2022, 128: 051602. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.128.051602
    Bellazzini B, Riembau M, Riva F. IR side of positivity bounds. Physical Review D, 2022, 106: 105008. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.106.105008
    Dutta Chowdhury S, Ghosh K, Haldar P, et al. Crossing symmetric spinning S-matrix bootstrap: EFT bounds. SciPost Physics, 2022, 13: 51. doi: 10.21468/scipostphys.13.3.051
    Chiang L Y, Huang Y T, Rodina L, et al. De-projecting the EFThedron. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 102. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2024)102
    Caron-Huot S, Li Y Z, Parra-Martinez J, et al. Causality constraints on corrections to Einstein gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023, 2023: 122. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2023)122
    Caron-Huot S, Li Y Z, Parra-Martinez J, et al. Graviton partial waves and causality in higher dimensions. Physical Review D, 2023, 108: 026007. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.108.026007
    Henriksson J, McPeak B, Russo F, et al. Bounding violations of the weak gravity conjecture. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 2022: 184. doi: 10.1007/jhep08(2022)184
    Chiang L-Y, Huang Y-T, Li W, et al. (Non)-projective bounds on gravitational EFT. arXiv: 2201. 07177, 2022.
    Albert J, Rastelli L. Bootstrapping pions at large N. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 2022: 151. doi: 10.1007/jhep08(2022)151
    Carrillo González M, de Rham C, Jaitly S, et al. Positivity-causality competition: A road to ultimate EFT consistency constraints. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 146. doi: 10.1007/jhep06(2024)146
    Hong D Y, Wang Z H, Zhou S Y. Causality bounds on scalar-tensor EFTs. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023, 2023: 135. doi: 10.1007/jhep10(2023)135
    Li Y Z. Effective field theory bootstrap, large- N χPT and holographic QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 72. doi: 10.1007/jhep01(2024)072
    Paulos M F, Penedones J, Toledo J, et al. The S-matrix bootstrap II: Two dimensional amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017, 2017: 143. doi: 10.1007/jhep11(2017)143
    Paulos M F, Penedones J, Toledo J, et al. The S-matrix bootstrap. Part III: Higher dimensional amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019, 2019: 40. doi: 10.1007/jhep12(2019)040
    He Y, Irrgang A, Kruczenski M. A note on the S-matrix bootstrap for the 2d O( N) bosonic model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018, 2018: 93. doi: 10.1007/jhep11(2018)093
    He Y, Kruczenski M. S-matrix bootstrap in 3+1 dimensions: Regularization and dual convex problem. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 125. doi: 10.1007/jhep08(2021)125
    Karateev D, Kuhn S, Penedones J. Bootstrapping massive quantum field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 2020: 35. doi: 10.1007/jhep07(2020)035
    Guerrieri A L, Penedones J, Vieira P. S-matrix bootstrap for effective field theories: Massless pions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 88. doi: 10.1007/jhep06(2021)088
    Kruczenski M, Murali H. The R-matrix bootstrap for the 2d O( N) bosonic model with a boundary. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 97. doi: 10.1007/jhep04(2021)097
    Guerrieri A, Sever A. Rigorous bounds on the analytic S matrix . Physical Review Letters, 2021, 127: 251601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.251601
    Guerrieri A, Penedones J, Vieira P. Where is string theory in the space of scattering amplitudes. Physical Review Letters, 2021, 127: 081601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.081601
    Albert J, Rastelli L. Bootstrapping pions at large N. Part II: background gauge fields and the chiral anomaly. arXiv: 2307. 01246, 2023.
    Acanfora F, Guerrieri A, Häring K, et al. Bounds on scattering of neutral Goldstones. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 28. doi: 10.1007/jhep03(2024)028
    Miró J E, Guerrieri A, Gumus M A. Extremal Higgs couplings. arXiv: 2311. 09283, 2023.
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    Figure  1.  Positivity regions in the 2D subspaces of $ C_1, C_2 $, and $ C_3 $ by using linear and nonlinear unitarity conditions. Here, $ \displaystyle \bar{C_i}=C_i \varLambda^4 /(4\pi)^2 $. The orange and red regions are the results of the current paper using linear and nonlinear unitarity conditions respectively, while the blue region are from Ref. [73], which uses linear unitarity conditions but without using full Higgs symmetries. The orange and red regions are the same. We choose $ \displaystyle N=10,\; \ell_M=20 $ and use 42 null constraints.

    Figure  2.  Convergence of positivity (upper and lower) bounds with the number of null constraint. We choose $ \displaystyle N=10,\; \ell_M=20 $.

    Figure  3.  Convergence of positivity (upper and lower) bounds with the numerical truncations $ \ell_M $ and N. Here, $ \displaystyle \bar{C_i}=C_i \varLambda^4 /(4\pi)^2 $. 42 null constraints are used.

    Adams A, Arkani-Hamed N, Dubovsky S, et al. Causality, analyticity and an IR obstruction to UV completion. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006, 2006: 014. doi: 10.1088/1126-6708/2006/10/014
    de Rham C, Melville S, Tolley A J, et al. Positivity bounds for scalar field theories. Physical Review D, 2017, 96: 081702. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.96.081702
    de Rham C, Melville S, Tolley A J, et al. UV complete me: Positivity bounds for particles with spin. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018, 2018: 11. doi: 10.1007/jhep03(2018)011
    Arkani-Hamed N, Huang T C, Huang Y T. The EFT-hedron. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 259. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2021)259
    Bellazzini B, Miró J E, Rattazzi R, et al. Positive moments for scattering amplitudes. Physical Review D, 2021, 104: 036006. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.104.036006
    Tolley A J, Wang Z Y, Zhou S Y. New positivity bounds from full crossing symmetry. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 255. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2021)255
    Caron-Huot S, Van Duong V. Extremal effective field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 280. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2021)280
    Chiang L Y, Huang Y T, Li W, et al. Into the EFThedron and UV constraints from IR consistency. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 2021: 63. doi: 10.1007/jhep03(2022)063
    Sinha A, Zahed A. Crossing symmetric dispersion relations in quantum field theories. Physical Review Letters, 2021, 126: 181601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.126.181601
    Zhang C, Zhou S Y. Convex geometry perspective on the (standard model) effective field theory space. Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125: 201601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.125.201601
    Li X, Xu H, Yang C, et al. Positivity in multifield effective field theories. Physical Review Letters, 2021, 127: 121601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.121601
    Bellazzini B, Martucci L, Torre R. Symmetries, sum rules and constraints on effective field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2014, 2014: 100. doi: 10.1007/jhep09(2014)100
    Bellazzini B. Softness and amplitudes’ positivity for spinning particles. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017, 2017: 34. doi: 10.1007/jhep02(2017)034
    Bern Z, Kosmopoulos D, Zhiboedov A. Gravitational effective field theory islands, low-spin dominance, and the four-graviton amplitude. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2021, 54: 344002. doi: 10.1088/1751-8121/ac0e51
    Alberte L, de Rham C, Jaitly S, et al. Positivity bounds and the massless spin-2 pole. Physical Review D, 2020, 102: 125023. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.102.125023
    Tokuda J, Aoki K, Hirano S. Gravitational positivity bounds. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 2020: 54. doi: 10.1007/jhep11(2020)054
    Caron-Huot S, Mazáč D, Rastelli L, et al. Sharp boundaries for the swampland. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 110. doi: 10.1007/jhep07(2021)110
    Grall T, Melville S. Positivity bounds without boosts: New constraints on low energy effective field theories from the UV. Physical Review D, 2022, 105: L121301. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.105.l121301
    Du Z Z, Zhang C, Zhou S Y. Triple crossing positivity bounds for multi-field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 115. doi: 10.1007/jhep12(2021)115
    Alberte L, de Rham C, Jaitly S, et al. Reverse bootstrapping: IR lessons for UV physics. Physical Review Letters, 2022, 128: 051602. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.128.051602
    Bellazzini B, Riembau M, Riva F. IR side of positivity bounds. Physical Review D, 2022, 106: 105008. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.106.105008
    Dutta Chowdhury S, Ghosh K, Haldar P, et al. Crossing symmetric spinning S-matrix bootstrap: EFT bounds. SciPost Physics, 2022, 13: 51. doi: 10.21468/scipostphys.13.3.051
    Chiang L Y, Huang Y T, Rodina L, et al. De-projecting the EFThedron. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 102. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2024)102
    Caron-Huot S, Li Y Z, Parra-Martinez J, et al. Causality constraints on corrections to Einstein gravity. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023, 2023: 122. doi: 10.1007/jhep05(2023)122
    Caron-Huot S, Li Y Z, Parra-Martinez J, et al. Graviton partial waves and causality in higher dimensions. Physical Review D, 2023, 108: 026007. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.108.026007
    Henriksson J, McPeak B, Russo F, et al. Bounding violations of the weak gravity conjecture. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 2022: 184. doi: 10.1007/jhep08(2022)184
    Chiang L-Y, Huang Y-T, Li W, et al. (Non)-projective bounds on gravitational EFT. arXiv: 2201. 07177, 2022.
    Albert J, Rastelli L. Bootstrapping pions at large N. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 2022: 151. doi: 10.1007/jhep08(2022)151
    Carrillo González M, de Rham C, Jaitly S, et al. Positivity-causality competition: A road to ultimate EFT consistency constraints. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 146. doi: 10.1007/jhep06(2024)146
    Hong D Y, Wang Z H, Zhou S Y. Causality bounds on scalar-tensor EFTs. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023, 2023: 135. doi: 10.1007/jhep10(2023)135
    Li Y Z. Effective field theory bootstrap, large- N χPT and holographic QCD. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 72. doi: 10.1007/jhep01(2024)072
    Paulos M F, Penedones J, Toledo J, et al. The S-matrix bootstrap II: Two dimensional amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2017, 2017: 143. doi: 10.1007/jhep11(2017)143
    Paulos M F, Penedones J, Toledo J, et al. The S-matrix bootstrap. Part III: Higher dimensional amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019, 2019: 40. doi: 10.1007/jhep12(2019)040
    He Y, Irrgang A, Kruczenski M. A note on the S-matrix bootstrap for the 2d O( N) bosonic model. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018, 2018: 93. doi: 10.1007/jhep11(2018)093
    He Y, Kruczenski M. S-matrix bootstrap in 3+1 dimensions: Regularization and dual convex problem. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 125. doi: 10.1007/jhep08(2021)125
    Karateev D, Kuhn S, Penedones J. Bootstrapping massive quantum field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2020, 2020: 35. doi: 10.1007/jhep07(2020)035
    Guerrieri A L, Penedones J, Vieira P. S-matrix bootstrap for effective field theories: Massless pions. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 88. doi: 10.1007/jhep06(2021)088
    Kruczenski M, Murali H. The R-matrix bootstrap for the 2d O( N) bosonic model with a boundary. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 97. doi: 10.1007/jhep04(2021)097
    Guerrieri A, Sever A. Rigorous bounds on the analytic S matrix . Physical Review Letters, 2021, 127: 251601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.251601
    Guerrieri A, Penedones J, Vieira P. Where is string theory in the space of scattering amplitudes. Physical Review Letters, 2021, 127: 081601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.127.081601
    Albert J, Rastelli L. Bootstrapping pions at large N. Part II: background gauge fields and the chiral anomaly. arXiv: 2307. 01246, 2023.
    Acanfora F, Guerrieri A, Häring K, et al. Bounds on scattering of neutral Goldstones. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024, 2024: 28. doi: 10.1007/jhep03(2024)028
    Miró J E, Guerrieri A, Gumus M A. Extremal Higgs couplings. arXiv: 2311. 09283, 2023.
    de Rham C, Kundu S, Reece M, et al. Snowmass white paper: UV constraints on IR physics. arXiv: 2203. 06805, 2022.
    Zhang C, Zhou S Y. Positivity bounds on vector boson scattering at the LHC. Physical Review D, 2019, 100: 095003. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.100.095003
    Bi Q, Zhang C, Zhou S Y. Positivity constraints on aQGC: Carving out the physical parameter space. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019, 2019: 137. doi: 10.1007/jhep06(2019)137
    Bellazzini B, Riva F. New phenomenological and theoretical perspective on anomalous ZZ and processes. Physical Review D, 2018, 98: 095021. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.98.095021
    Remmen G N, Rodd N L. Consistency of the standard model effective field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2019, 2019: 32. doi: 10.1007/jhep12(2019)032
    Yamashita K, Zhang C, Zhou S Y. Elastic positivity vs extremal positivity bounds in SMEFT: A case study in transversal electroweak gauge-boson scatterings. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 95. doi: 10.1007/jhep01(2021)095
    Trott T. Causality, unitarity and symmetry in effective field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 143. doi: 10.1007/jhep07(2021)143
    Remmen G N, Rodd N L. Flavor constraints from unitarity and analyticity. Physical Review Letters, 2020, 125: 081601. doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.125.081601
    Remmen G N, Rodd N L. Signs, spin, SMEFT: Sum rules at dimension six. Physical Review D, 2022, 105: 036006. doi: 10.1103/physrevd.105.036006
    Gu J, Wang L T. Sum rules in the standard model effective field theory from helicity amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 2021: 149. doi: 10.1007/jhep03(2021)149
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