[1] |
Majumdar A, Bose I. Do tweets create value? A multi-period analysis of Twitter use and content of tweets for manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 216: 1-11.
[2] |
Ren F, Tan Y, Wan F. Social media engagement and performance of e-tailers: An empirical study.https://ssrn.com/abstract=2956420.
[3] |
Kemp E, Porter III M D, Anaza N A, et al. The impact of storytelling in creating firm and customer connections in online environments. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2021, 15(1): 104-124.
[4] |
Kumar A, Bezawada R, Rishika R, et al. From social to sale: The effects of firm-generated content in social media on customer behavior. Journal of Marketing, 2016, 80(1): 7-25.
[5] |
Stephen A T, Galak J. The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a microlending marketplace. Journal of Marketing Research, 2012, 49(5): 624-639.
[6] |
Colicev A, Malshe A,Pauwels K, et al. Improving consumer mindset metrics and shareholder value through social media: The different roles of owned and earned media. Journal of Marketing, 2018, 82(1): 37-56.
[7] |
Cruz D, Fill C. Evaluating viral marketing: Isolating the key criteria. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2008, 26(7): 743-758.
[8] |
Poulis A, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. Do firms still need to be social? Firm generated content in social media. Information Technology & People, 2018, 32(2): 387-404.
[9] |
Park J, Park J, Park J. The effects of user engagements for user and company generated videos on music sales: Empirical evidence from YouTube. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9: 1880.
[10] |
Baum D, Spann M, Füller J, et al. The impact of social media campaigns on the success of new product introductions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2019, 50: 289-297.
[11] |
Schivinski B, Dabrowski D. The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands. Journal of Marketing Communications, 2016, 22(2): 189-214.
[12] |
Müller J, Christandl F. Content is king-But who is the king of kings? The effect of content marketing, sponsored content & user-generated content on brand responses. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019, 96: 46-55.
[13] |
Raji R A, Mohd Rashid S, Mohd Ishak S, et al. Do firm-created contents on social media enhance brand equity and consumer response among consumers of automotive brands? Journal of Promotion Management, 2020, 26(1): 19-49.
[14] |
Yang Z, Zheng Y, Zhang Y, et al. Bipolar influence of firm-generated content on customers’ offline purchasing behavior: A field experiment in China. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2019, 35: 100844.
[15] |
Weiger W H, Wetzel H A, Hammerschmidt M. Who’s pulling the strings?The motivational paths from marketer actions to user engagement in social media. Eur. Journal of Marketing, 2019, 53(9): 1808-1832.
[16] |
Bai L, Yan X. Impact of firm-generated content on firm performance and consumer engagement: Evidence from social media in China. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2020, 21(1): 56-74.
[17] |
Manthiou A, Hickman E, Klaus P. Beyond good and bad: Challenging the suggested role of emotions in customer experience (CX) research. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020, 57: 102218.
[18] |
Colicev A, Kumar A, O’Connor P. Modeling the relationship between firm and user generated content and the stages of the marketing funnel. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2019, 36(1): 100-116.
[19] |
Chandrasekaran S, Annamalai B, De S K. Evaluating marketer generated content popularity on brand fan pages: A multilevel modelling approach. Telematics and Informatics, 2019, 44: 101266.
[20] |
Lipsman A, Mudd G, Rich M, et al. The power of “like”: How brands reach (and influence) fans through social-media marketing. Journal of Advertising Research, 2012, 52(1): 40-52.
[21] |
Ramalingam V, Palaniappan B, Panchanatham N, et al. Measuring advertisement effectiveness: A neural network approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 2006, 31(1): 159-163.
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Lee J, Hong I B. Predicting positive user responses to social media advertising: The roles of emotional appeal, informativeness, and creativity. International Journal of Information Management. 2016, 36(3): 360-373.
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Ducoffe R H. Advertising value and advertising on the web. Journal of Advertising Research, 1996, 36: 21-36
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Pollay R W, Mittal B. Here’s the beef: Factors, determinants, and segments in consumer criticism of advertising. Journal of Marketing, 1993, 57(3): 99-114.
[25] |
Tellis G J, MacInnis D J, Tirunillai S, et al. What drives virality (sharing) of online digital content? The critical role of information, emotion, and brand prominence. Journal of Marketing, 2019, 83(4): 1-20.
[26] |
Batra R, Ray M L. Affective responses mediating acceptance of advertising. Journal of Consumer Research, 1986, 13(2): 234-249.
[27] |
Herjanto H, Gaur S S, Yap S F. Consumer emotional responses to emotional appeal advertising within an online social network context. In: Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2016: 226-233.
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Wu R, Wang G, Yan L. The effects of online store informativeness and entertainment on consumers’ approach behaviors.Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2019, 32(6): 1327-1342.
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Rod M, Saunders S. The informative and persuasive components of pharmaceutical promotion. International Journal of Advertising, 2015, 28(2): 313-349.
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Holdack E, Lurie-Stoyanov K, Fromme H F. The role of perceived enjoyment and perceived informativeness in assessing the acceptance of AR wearables. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020: 102259.
[31] |
Naylor R W, Lamberton C P, West P M. Beyond the “like” button: The impact of mere virtual presence on brand evaluations and purchase intentions in social media settings. Journal of Marketing, 2012, 76(6): 105-120.
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Resnik A, Bruce L S. An analysis of information content in television advertising. Journal of Marketing, 1977, 41: 50-53.
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Osei-Frimpong K, McLean G. Examining online social brand engagement: A social presence theory perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, 128: 10-21.
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Dobele A, Lindgreen A, Beverland M, et al. Why pass on viral messages? Because they connect emotionally. Business Horizons, 2007, 50(4): 291-304.
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Araujo T, Neijens P, Vliegenthart R. What motivates consumers to re-tweet brand content? Journal of Advertising Research, 2015, 55(3): 284-295.
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Arif I, Aslam W, Siddiqui H. Influence of brand related user-generated content through Facebook on consumer behaviour: A stimulus-organism-response framework. International Journal of Electronic Business, 2020, 15(2): 109-132.
[37] |
Gaur S S, Herjanto H, Makkar M. Review of emotions research in marketing, 2002-2013. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2014, 21(6): 917-923.
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Hirschman E C, Holbrook M B. Hedonic consumption: Emerging concepts, methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing, 1982, 46(3): 92-101.
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Zeithaml V A. Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: A means-end model and synthesis of evidence. Journal of Marketing, 1988, 52(3): 2-22.
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Žabkar V, Brenčič M M, Dmitrovič T. Modelling perceived quality, visitor satisfaction and behavioral intentions at the destination level. Tourism Management, 2010, 31(4): 537-546.
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Klein J G, Ettenson R, Morris M D. The animosity model of foreign product purchase: An empirical test in the People’s Republic of China. Journal of Marketing, 1998, 62(1): 89-100.
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Wang C L, Chen Z X. Consumer ethnocentrism and willingness to buy domestic products in a developing country setting: Testing moderating effects. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2004, 21(6): 391-400.
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Snoj B, Pisnik K. A, Mumel D. The relationships among perceived quality, perceived risk and perceived product value. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2004, 13(3): 156-167.
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Kirmani A, Rao A R. No pain, no gain: A critical review of the literature on signaling unobservable product quality. Journal of Marketing, 2000, 64(2): 66-79.
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Roest H, Rindfleisch A. The influence of quality cues and typicality cues on restaurant purchase intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010, 17: 10-18.
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Vazquez E E. Effect of an e-retailer’s product category and social media platform selection on perceived quality of e-retail products. Electron Mark, 2020, 31: 139-157.
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Bao Z, Chau M. The effect of marketer-generated content and user-generated content on perceived product quality. Twenty-third Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017). Boston, MA: Association for Information Systems, 2017.
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Sciulli L M, Bebko C. Social cause versus profit oriented advertisements: An analysis of information content and emotional appeals. Journal of Promotion Management, 2006, 11(2-3): 17-36.
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Chang H H, Tuan P M. Affect as a decision-making system of the present. Journal of Consumer Research, 2013, 40(1): 42-63.
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Moldovan S, Steinhart Y, Lehmann D R. Propagators, creativity, and informativeness: What helps ads go viral. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2019, 47: 102-114.
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[1] |
Majumdar A, Bose I. Do tweets create value? A multi-period analysis of Twitter use and content of tweets for manufacturing firms. International Journal of Production Economics, 2019, 216: 1-11.
[2] |
Ren F, Tan Y, Wan F. Social media engagement and performance of e-tailers: An empirical study.https://ssrn.com/abstract=2956420.
[3] |
Kemp E, Porter III M D, Anaza N A, et al. The impact of storytelling in creating firm and customer connections in online environments. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2021, 15(1): 104-124.
[4] |
Kumar A, Bezawada R, Rishika R, et al. From social to sale: The effects of firm-generated content in social media on customer behavior. Journal of Marketing, 2016, 80(1): 7-25.
[5] |
Stephen A T, Galak J. The effects of traditional and social earned media on sales: A study of a microlending marketplace. Journal of Marketing Research, 2012, 49(5): 624-639.
[6] |
Colicev A, Malshe A,Pauwels K, et al. Improving consumer mindset metrics and shareholder value through social media: The different roles of owned and earned media. Journal of Marketing, 2018, 82(1): 37-56.
[7] |
Cruz D, Fill C. Evaluating viral marketing: Isolating the key criteria. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2008, 26(7): 743-758.
[8] |
Poulis A, Rizomyliotis I, Konstantoulaki K. Do firms still need to be social? Firm generated content in social media. Information Technology & People, 2018, 32(2): 387-404.
[9] |
Park J, Park J, Park J. The effects of user engagements for user and company generated videos on music sales: Empirical evidence from YouTube. Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9: 1880.
[10] |
Baum D, Spann M, Füller J, et al. The impact of social media campaigns on the success of new product introductions. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2019, 50: 289-297.
[11] |
Schivinski B, Dabrowski D. The effect of social media communication on consumer perceptions of brands. Journal of Marketing Communications, 2016, 22(2): 189-214.
[12] |
Müller J, Christandl F. Content is king-But who is the king of kings? The effect of content marketing, sponsored content & user-generated content on brand responses. Computers in Human Behavior, 2019, 96: 46-55.
[13] |
Raji R A, Mohd Rashid S, Mohd Ishak S, et al. Do firm-created contents on social media enhance brand equity and consumer response among consumers of automotive brands? Journal of Promotion Management, 2020, 26(1): 19-49.
[14] |
Yang Z, Zheng Y, Zhang Y, et al. Bipolar influence of firm-generated content on customers’ offline purchasing behavior: A field experiment in China. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2019, 35: 100844.
[15] |
Weiger W H, Wetzel H A, Hammerschmidt M. Who’s pulling the strings?The motivational paths from marketer actions to user engagement in social media. Eur. Journal of Marketing, 2019, 53(9): 1808-1832.
[16] |
Bai L, Yan X. Impact of firm-generated content on firm performance and consumer engagement: Evidence from social media in China. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 2020, 21(1): 56-74.
[17] |
Manthiou A, Hickman E, Klaus P. Beyond good and bad: Challenging the suggested role of emotions in customer experience (CX) research. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020, 57: 102218.
[18] |
Colicev A, Kumar A, O’Connor P. Modeling the relationship between firm and user generated content and the stages of the marketing funnel. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2019, 36(1): 100-116.
[19] |
Chandrasekaran S, Annamalai B, De S K. Evaluating marketer generated content popularity on brand fan pages: A multilevel modelling approach. Telematics and Informatics, 2019, 44: 101266.
[20] |
Lipsman A, Mudd G, Rich M, et al. The power of “like”: How brands reach (and influence) fans through social-media marketing. Journal of Advertising Research, 2012, 52(1): 40-52.
[21] |
Ramalingam V, Palaniappan B, Panchanatham N, et al. Measuring advertisement effectiveness: A neural network approach. Expert Systems with Applications, 2006, 31(1): 159-163.
[22] |
Lee J, Hong I B. Predicting positive user responses to social media advertising: The roles of emotional appeal, informativeness, and creativity. International Journal of Information Management. 2016, 36(3): 360-373.
[23] |
Ducoffe R H. Advertising value and advertising on the web. Journal of Advertising Research, 1996, 36: 21-36
[24] |
Pollay R W, Mittal B. Here’s the beef: Factors, determinants, and segments in consumer criticism of advertising. Journal of Marketing, 1993, 57(3): 99-114.
[25] |
Tellis G J, MacInnis D J, Tirunillai S, et al. What drives virality (sharing) of online digital content? The critical role of information, emotion, and brand prominence. Journal of Marketing, 2019, 83(4): 1-20.
[26] |
Batra R, Ray M L. Affective responses mediating acceptance of advertising. Journal of Consumer Research, 1986, 13(2): 234-249.
[27] |
Herjanto H, Gaur S S, Yap S F. Consumer emotional responses to emotional appeal advertising within an online social network context. In: Looking Forward, Looking Back: Drawing on the Past to Shape the Future of Marketing. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, 2016: 226-233.
[28] |
Wu R, Wang G, Yan L. The effects of online store informativeness and entertainment on consumers’ approach behaviors.Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 2019, 32(6): 1327-1342.
[29] |
Rod M, Saunders S. The informative and persuasive components of pharmaceutical promotion. International Journal of Advertising, 2015, 28(2): 313-349.
[30] |
Holdack E, Lurie-Stoyanov K, Fromme H F. The role of perceived enjoyment and perceived informativeness in assessing the acceptance of AR wearables. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020: 102259.
[31] |
Naylor R W, Lamberton C P, West P M. Beyond the “like” button: The impact of mere virtual presence on brand evaluations and purchase intentions in social media settings. Journal of Marketing, 2012, 76(6): 105-120.
[32] |
Resnik A, Bruce L S. An analysis of information content in television advertising. Journal of Marketing, 1977, 41: 50-53.
[33] |
Osei-Frimpong K, McLean G. Examining online social brand engagement: A social presence theory perspective. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2018, 128: 10-21.
[34] |
Dobele A, Lindgreen A, Beverland M, et al. Why pass on viral messages? Because they connect emotionally. Business Horizons, 2007, 50(4): 291-304.
[35] |
Araujo T, Neijens P, Vliegenthart R. What motivates consumers to re-tweet brand content? Journal of Advertising Research, 2015, 55(3): 284-295.
[36] |
Arif I, Aslam W, Siddiqui H. Influence of brand related user-generated content through Facebook on consumer behaviour: A stimulus-organism-response framework. International Journal of Electronic Business, 2020, 15(2): 109-132.
[37] |
Gaur S S, Herjanto H, Makkar M. Review of emotions research in marketing, 2002-2013. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2014, 21(6): 917-923.
[38] |
Hirschman E C, Holbrook M B. Hedonic consumption: Emerging concepts, methods and propositions. Journal of Marketing, 1982, 46(3): 92-101.
[39] |
Zeithaml V A. Consumer perceptions of price, quality, and value: A means-end model and synthesis of evidence. Journal of Marketing, 1988, 52(3): 2-22.
[40] |
Žabkar V, Brenčič M M, Dmitrovič T. Modelling perceived quality, visitor satisfaction and behavioral intentions at the destination level. Tourism Management, 2010, 31(4): 537-546.
[41] |
Klein J G, Ettenson R, Morris M D. The animosity model of foreign product purchase: An empirical test in the People’s Republic of China. Journal of Marketing, 1998, 62(1): 89-100.
[42] |
Wang C L, Chen Z X. Consumer ethnocentrism and willingness to buy domestic products in a developing country setting: Testing moderating effects. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2004, 21(6): 391-400.
[43] |
Snoj B, Pisnik K. A, Mumel D. The relationships among perceived quality, perceived risk and perceived product value. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 2004, 13(3): 156-167.
[44] |
Szybillo G J, Jacoby J. Intrinsic versus extrinsic cues as determinants of perceived product quality. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1974, 59: 74-78.
[45] |
Kirmani A, Rao A R. No pain, no gain: A critical review of the literature on signaling unobservable product quality. Journal of Marketing, 2000, 64(2): 66-79.
[46] |
Roest H, Rindfleisch A. The influence of quality cues and typicality cues on restaurant purchase intention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2010, 17: 10-18.
[47] |
Vazquez E E. Effect of an e-retailer’s product category and social media platform selection on perceived quality of e-retail products. Electron Mark, 2020, 31: 139-157.
[48] |
Bao Z, Chau M. The effect of marketer-generated content and user-generated content on perceived product quality. Twenty-third Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2017). Boston, MA: Association for Information Systems, 2017.
[49] |
Sciulli L M, Bebko C. Social cause versus profit oriented advertisements: An analysis of information content and emotional appeals. Journal of Promotion Management, 2006, 11(2-3): 17-36.
[50] |
Chang H H, Tuan P M. Affect as a decision-making system of the present. Journal of Consumer Research, 2013, 40(1): 42-63.
[51] |
Dimofte C V, Yalch R F. The mere association effect and brand evaluations. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2011, 21(1): 24-37.
[52] |
Wang E S T. The influence of visual packaging design on perceived food product quality, value, and brand preference. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 2013, 41(10): 805-816.
[53] |
Murphy S T, Zajonc R B. Affect, cognition, and awareness: Affective priming with optimal and suboptimal stimulus exposures, Journal of Personality and Social Psychological, 1993, 64(5): 723.
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Mitchell A A, Olson J C. Are product attribute beliefs the only mediator of advertising effects on brand attitude? Journal of Marketing Research, 1981, 18(3): 318-332.
[55] |
Jung N Y, Seock Y K. The impact of corporate reputation on brand attitude and purchase intention. Fashion and Textiles, 2016, 3(1): 20.
[56] |
Mattke J, Müller L, Maier C. Paid, owned and earned media: A qualitative comparative analysis revealing attributes influencing consumer’s brand attitude in social media. Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Grand Wailea, Hawaii: HICSS, 2019, DOI: 10.24251/ HICSS.2019.098.
[57] |
Moldovan S, Steinhart Y, Lehmann D R. Propagators, creativity, and informativeness: What helps ads go viral. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2019, 47: 102-114.
[58] |
Ahmad A. Predicting attitude of young Indian consumers toward brand pages over social media: A structural equation modeling approach. Journal of Public Affairs, 2020, 20(3): e2093.
[59] |
Panda T K, Panda T K, Mishra K.Does emotional appeal work in advertising? The rationality behind using emotional appeal to create favorable brand attitude. Journal of Brand Management, 2013, 10(2): 7.
[60] |
Yoo C, MacInnis D. The brand attitude formation process of emotional and informational ads. Journal of Business Research, 2005, 58(10): 1397-1406.
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Jeon W, Franke G R, Huhmann B A, et al. Appeals in Korean magazine advertising: A content analysis and cross-cultural comparison. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 1999, 16(2): 249-258.
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Metcalf L, Hess J S, Danes J E, et al. A mixed-methods approach for designing market-driven packaging, Qualitative Market Research, 2012, 15(3): 268-289.
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Ahn J, Back K J. Influence of brand relationship on customer attitude toward integrated resort brands: A cognitive, affective, and conative perspective. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 2018, 35(4): 449-460.
[64] |
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