[1] |
Braun-Munzinger P, Stachel J. The quest for the quark-gluon plasma. Nature, 2007, 448: 302–309. doi: 10.1038/nature06080
[2] |
Matsui T, Satz H. J/ψ suppression by quark-gluon plasma formation. Physics Letters B, 1986, 178 (4): 416–422. doi: 10.1016/0370-2693(86)91404-8
[3] |
Yan L, Zhuang P F, Xu N. J/ψ production in quark-gluon plasma. Physical Review Letters, 2006, 97: 232301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.232301
[4] |
Ferreiro E G, Fleuret F, Lansberg J P, et al. Cold nuclear matter effects on J/ψ production: Intrinsic and extrinsic transverse momentum effects. Physics Letters B, 2009, 680 (1): 50–55. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.07.076
[5] |
Adamczyk L, Adkins J K, Agakishiev G, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Energy dependence of J/ψ production in Au+Au collisions at
[6] |
van Hees H, Rapp R. Dilepton radiation at the CERN super-proton synchrotron. Nuclear Physics A, 2008, 806: 339–387. doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.03.009
[7] |
Rapp R. Dilepton spectroscopy of QCD matter at collider energies. Advances in High Energy Physics, 2013, 2013: 148253. doi: 10.1155/2013/148253
[8] |
Krauss F, Greiner M, Soff G. Photon and gluon induced processes in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 1997, 39: 503–564. doi: 10.1016/S0146-6410(97)00049-5
[9] |
Fermi E. Über die Theorie des Stoßes zwischen Atomen und elektrisch geladenen Teilchen. Zeitschrift für Physik, 1924, 29: 315–327. doi: 10.1007/BF03184853
[10] |
Weizsäcker C F V. Ausstrahlung bei Stößen sehr schneller Elektronen. Zeitschrift für Physik, 1934, 88: 612–625. doi: 10.1007/BF01333110
[11] |
Adler C, Ahammed Z, Allgower C, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Coherent
[12] |
Adam J, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Measurement of an excess in the yield of J/ψ at very low
[13] |
Adam J, Adamczyk L, Adams J R, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Observation of excess J/ψ yield at very low transverse momenta in Au+Au collisions at
[14] |
Adam J, Adamczyk L, Adams J R, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Low-
[15] |
Aaboud M, Aad G, Abbott B, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). Observation of centrality-dependent acoplanarity for muon pairs produced via two-photon scattering in Pb+Pb collisions at
[16] |
Guzey V, Zhalov M. Exclusive J/ψ production in ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC: Constraints on the gluon distributions in the proton and nuclei. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, 2013: 207. doi: 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)207
[17] |
The ALICE Collaboration, Aamodt K, Quintana A A, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. Journal of Instrumentation, 2008, 3: S08002. doi: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/s08002
[18] |
Abelev B, Abramyan A, Adam J, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Performance of the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2014, 29: 1430044. doi: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217751X14300440
[19] |
Klein S R, Nystrand J, Seger J, et al. STARlight: A Monte Carlo simulation program for ultra-peripheral collisions of relativistic ions. Computer Physics Communications, 2017, 212: 258–268. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2016.10.016
[20] |
Liu Y P, Qu Z, Xu N, et al. J/ψ transverse momentum distribution in high energy nuclear collisions. Physics Letters B, 2009, 678 (1): 72–76. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2009.06.006
[21] |
Zhao X B, Rapp R. Charmonium in medium: From correlators to experiment. Physical Review C, 2010, 82: 064905. doi: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.82.064905
[22] |
Abelev B, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at
[23] |
Shi W, Zha W, Chen B Y. Charmonium coherent photoproduction and hadroproduction with effects of quark gluon plasma. Physics Letters B, 2018, 777: 399–405. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.12.055
[24] |
Miller M L, Reygers K, Sanders S J, et al. Glauber modeling in high-energy nuclear collisions. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, 2007, 57: 205–243. doi: doi:10.1146/annurev.nucl.57.090506.123020
[25] |
Tanabashi M, et al. (Particle Data Group). Review of particle physics. Physical Review D, 2018, 98: 030001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.030001
[26] |
Bertulani C A, Klein S R, Nystrand J. Physics of ultra-peripheral nuclear collisions. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, 2005, 55: 271–310. doi: 10.1146/annurev.nucl.55.090704.151526
[27] |
Zha W, Huang B C, Ma R R, et al. Systematic study of the experimental measurements on J/ψ cross sections and kinematic distributions in p+p collisions at different energies. Physical Review C, 2016, 93: 024919. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024919
[28] |
Zha W M, Klein S R, Ma R, et al. Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in hadronic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review C, 2018, 97: 044910. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.044910
[29] |
Bauer T H, Spital R D, Yennie D R, et al. The hadronic properties of the photon in high-energy interactions. Review of Modern Physics, 1978, 50: 261. doi: 10.1103/RevModPhys.50.261
[30] |
Zha W, Ruan L, Tang Z, et al. Coherent photo-produced J/ψ and dielectron yields in isobaric collisions. Physics Letters B, 2019, 789: 238–242. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.12.041
[31] |
Jönsson C. Elektroneninterferenzen an mehreren künstlich hergestellten Feinspalten. Zeitschrift für Physik, 1961, 161(4): 454–474. doi: 10.1007/BF01342460
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Zeilinger A, Gähler R, C. G. Shull, et al. Single- and double-slit diffraction of neutrons. Review of Modern Physics, 1988, 60: 1067. doi: https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.60.1067
[33] |
Carnal O, Mlynek J. Young’s double-slit experiment with atoms: A simple atom interferometer. Physical Review Letters, 1991, 66: 2689. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.66.2689
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Arndt M, Nairz O, Vos-Andreae J, et al. Wave–particle duality of C60 molecules. Nature, 1999, 401: 680–682. doi: 10.1038/44348
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Hackermüller L, Uttenthaler S, Hornberger K, et al. Wave nature of biomolecules and fluorofullerenes. Physical Review Letters, 2003, 91: 090408. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.090408
[36] |
Zha W, Ruan L, Tang Z, et al. Double-slit experiment at Fermi scale: Coherent photoproduction in heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review C, 2019, 99: 061901. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.061901
[37] |
Barrett R C, Jackson D F. Nuclear Sizes and Structure. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1977.
[38] |
Matsui T, Satz H. J/ψ suppression by quark-gluon plasma formation. Physics Letters B, 1986, 178 (4): 416–422. doi: 10.1016/0370-2693(86)91404-8
[39] |
Chen B Y. Detailed rapidity dependence of J/ψ production at energies available at the Large Hadron Collider. Physical Review C, 2016, 93: 054905. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054905
[40] |
Zha W, Ruan L, Tang Z, et al. Coherent lepton pair production in hadronic heavy ion collisions. Physics Letters B, 2018, 781: 182–186. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.04.006
[41] |
Inghirami G, Del Zanna L, Beraudo A, et al. Numerical magneto-hydrodynamics for relativistic nuclear collisions. The European Physical Journal C, 2016, 76 (12): 659. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4516-8
[42] |
Asakawa M, Majumder A, Muller B. Electric charge separation in strong transient magnetic fields. Physical Review C, 2010, 81: 064912. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.064912
[43] |
Kharzeev D E, Warringa H J. Chiral magnetic conductivity. Physical Review D, 2009, 80: 034028. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.034028
[44] |
The ATLAS Collaboration1, Aad G, Abat E, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Journal of Instrumentation, 2008, 3: S08003. doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/s08003
[45] |
ATLAS Collaboration, Aad G, Abbott B, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). Measurement of the muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector using 2011 and 2012 LHC proton-proton collision data. The European Physical Journal C, 2014, 74: 3130. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3130-x
[46] |
ATLAS Collaboration, Aad G, Abbott B, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). Muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector in proton–proton collision data at
[47] |
Zha W, Brandenburg J D, Tang Z, et al. Initial transverse-momentum broadening of Breit-Wheeler process in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physics Letters B, 2020, 800: 135089. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135089
[48] |
Vidović M, Greiner M, Best C, et al. Impact-parameter dependence of the electromagnetic particle production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review C, 1993, 47: 2308. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.47.2308
[49] |
Hencken K, Trautmann D, Baur G. Impact-parameter dependence of the total probability for electromagnetic electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review A, 1995, 51: 1874. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.51.1874
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Alscher A, Hencken K, Trautmann D, et al. Multiple electromagnetic electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review A, 1997, 55: 396. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.55.396
[51] |
Adams J, Aggarwal M M, Ahammed Z, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Production of
[52] |
Abelev B, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). J/ψ suppression at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at
[53] |
Abelev B I, et al. (STAR Collaboration).
[54] |
PHENIX Collaboration, S.Afanasiev S, Aidalag C, et al. (PHENIX Collaboration). Photoproduction of J/ψ and of high mass
[55] |
The ALICE Collaboration, Abbas E, Abelev B, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Charmonium and
[56] |
Khachatryan V, Sirunyan A M, Tumasyan A, et al. (CMS Collaboration). Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at
[57] |
Abelevbv B, Adamal J, Adamová D, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Centrality, rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of J/ψ suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at
[58] |
Klein S R. Two-photon production of dilepton pairs in peripheral heavy ion collisions. Physical Review C, 2018, 97: 054903. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.054903
Raw OS dimuon
J/ψ inclusive nuclear modification factor as a function of the number of participants
J/ψ inclusive nuclear modification factor as a function of the number of participants
J/ψ invariant yields for Au + Au collisions at
Coherent J/ψ production yields as a function of
Amplitude and momentum distribution patterns of coherent J/ψ photoproduction in different scenarios for b = 10 fm in Au + Au collisions at
Amplitude and momentum distribution patterns of coherent J/ψ photoproduction at midrapidity (y = 0) in Au + Au collisions at
Schematic diagram for different charmonium production mechanisms at different transverse momentum regions in semi-central nucleus–nucleus collisions in the presence of both QGP and strong transverse electromagnetic fields. Photoproduction, regeneration, and initial production dominate the J/ψ final yields in extremely low
Charmonium hadroproduction and photoproduction as a function of the number of participants
Figure 13. Charmonium prompt nuclear modification factor as a function of transverse momentum for impact parameter b = 10.2 fm in the forward rapidity 2.5 < y < 4 in LHC 2.76 TeV Pb + Pb collisions. Figure taken from Ref. [23].
(a) Centrality dependence of
Centrality dependence of integrated excess yields in the mass regions 0.4–0.76,0.76–1.2,1.2–2.6 GeV/
(a)–(c) Distributions of excess yields within the STAR acceptance for the different mass regions in 60%–80% Au + Au and U + U collisions. (d) Corresponding
Background-subtracted distributions for α (upper row) and A (lower row) in Pb + Pb collisions at
Results of fits to the muon pair α distributions using the sum of Gaussian and background functions. A standard Gaussian function is shown as a solid curve whilst the dotted curve shows a Gaussian function in α convolved with the measured
Differential pair mass spectrum
Figure 22. Mass spectrum of electron pairs for different centrality classes. The mass distributions are compared to hadronic cocktail simulations without the ρ contribution in-medium ρ mass spectrum and QGP thermal radiation. Figure taken from Ref. [40].
Invariant mass spectrum of
Distributions of the broadening variable α obtained from the gEPA1, gEPA2, and QED approaches for muon pairs in Pb + Pb collisions at
[1] |
Braun-Munzinger P, Stachel J. The quest for the quark-gluon plasma. Nature, 2007, 448: 302–309. doi: 10.1038/nature06080
[2] |
Matsui T, Satz H. J/ψ suppression by quark-gluon plasma formation. Physics Letters B, 1986, 178 (4): 416–422. doi: 10.1016/0370-2693(86)91404-8
[3] |
Yan L, Zhuang P F, Xu N. J/ψ production in quark-gluon plasma. Physical Review Letters, 2006, 97: 232301. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.97.232301
[4] |
Ferreiro E G, Fleuret F, Lansberg J P, et al. Cold nuclear matter effects on J/ψ production: Intrinsic and extrinsic transverse momentum effects. Physics Letters B, 2009, 680 (1): 50–55. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2009.07.076
[5] |
Adamczyk L, Adkins J K, Agakishiev G, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Energy dependence of J/ψ production in Au+Au collisions at
[6] |
van Hees H, Rapp R. Dilepton radiation at the CERN super-proton synchrotron. Nuclear Physics A, 2008, 806: 339–387. doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysa.2008.03.009
[7] |
Rapp R. Dilepton spectroscopy of QCD matter at collider energies. Advances in High Energy Physics, 2013, 2013: 148253. doi: 10.1155/2013/148253
[8] |
Krauss F, Greiner M, Soff G. Photon and gluon induced processes in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 1997, 39: 503–564. doi: 10.1016/S0146-6410(97)00049-5
[9] |
Fermi E. Über die Theorie des Stoßes zwischen Atomen und elektrisch geladenen Teilchen. Zeitschrift für Physik, 1924, 29: 315–327. doi: 10.1007/BF03184853
[10] |
Weizsäcker C F V. Ausstrahlung bei Stößen sehr schneller Elektronen. Zeitschrift für Physik, 1934, 88: 612–625. doi: 10.1007/BF01333110
[11] |
Adler C, Ahammed Z, Allgower C, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Coherent
[12] |
Adam J, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Measurement of an excess in the yield of J/ψ at very low
[13] |
Adam J, Adamczyk L, Adams J R, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Observation of excess J/ψ yield at very low transverse momenta in Au+Au collisions at
[14] |
Adam J, Adamczyk L, Adams J R, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Low-
[15] |
Aaboud M, Aad G, Abbott B, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). Observation of centrality-dependent acoplanarity for muon pairs produced via two-photon scattering in Pb+Pb collisions at
[16] |
Guzey V, Zhalov M. Exclusive J/ψ production in ultraperipheral collisions at the LHC: Constraints on the gluon distributions in the proton and nuclei. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, 2013: 207. doi: 10.1007/JHEP10(2013)207
[17] |
The ALICE Collaboration, Aamodt K, Quintana A A, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). The ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. Journal of Instrumentation, 2008, 3: S08002. doi: https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/s08002
[18] |
Abelev B, Abramyan A, Adam J, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Performance of the ALICE experiment at the CERN LHC. International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2014, 29: 1430044. doi: https://doi.org/10.1142/S0217751X14300440
[19] |
Klein S R, Nystrand J, Seger J, et al. STARlight: A Monte Carlo simulation program for ultra-peripheral collisions of relativistic ions. Computer Physics Communications, 2017, 212: 258–268. doi: 10.1016/j.cpc.2016.10.016
[20] |
Liu Y P, Qu Z, Xu N, et al. J/ψ transverse momentum distribution in high energy nuclear collisions. Physics Letters B, 2009, 678 (1): 72–76. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physletb.2009.06.006
[21] |
Zhao X B, Rapp R. Charmonium in medium: From correlators to experiment. Physical Review C, 2010, 82: 064905. doi: https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevC.82.064905
[22] |
Abelev B, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb–Pb collisions at
[23] |
Shi W, Zha W, Chen B Y. Charmonium coherent photoproduction and hadroproduction with effects of quark gluon plasma. Physics Letters B, 2018, 777: 399–405. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2017.12.055
[24] |
Miller M L, Reygers K, Sanders S J, et al. Glauber modeling in high-energy nuclear collisions. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, 2007, 57: 205–243. doi: doi:10.1146/annurev.nucl.57.090506.123020
[25] |
Tanabashi M, et al. (Particle Data Group). Review of particle physics. Physical Review D, 2018, 98: 030001. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.030001
[26] |
Bertulani C A, Klein S R, Nystrand J. Physics of ultra-peripheral nuclear collisions. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science, 2005, 55: 271–310. doi: 10.1146/annurev.nucl.55.090704.151526
[27] |
Zha W, Huang B C, Ma R R, et al. Systematic study of the experimental measurements on J/ψ cross sections and kinematic distributions in p+p collisions at different energies. Physical Review C, 2016, 93: 024919. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.024919
[28] |
Zha W M, Klein S R, Ma R, et al. Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in hadronic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review C, 2018, 97: 044910. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.044910
[29] |
Bauer T H, Spital R D, Yennie D R, et al. The hadronic properties of the photon in high-energy interactions. Review of Modern Physics, 1978, 50: 261. doi: 10.1103/RevModPhys.50.261
[30] |
Zha W, Ruan L, Tang Z, et al. Coherent photo-produced J/ψ and dielectron yields in isobaric collisions. Physics Letters B, 2019, 789: 238–242. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.12.041
[31] |
Jönsson C. Elektroneninterferenzen an mehreren künstlich hergestellten Feinspalten. Zeitschrift für Physik, 1961, 161(4): 454–474. doi: 10.1007/BF01342460
[32] |
Zeilinger A, Gähler R, C. G. Shull, et al. Single- and double-slit diffraction of neutrons. Review of Modern Physics, 1988, 60: 1067. doi: https://doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.60.1067
[33] |
Carnal O, Mlynek J. Young’s double-slit experiment with atoms: A simple atom interferometer. Physical Review Letters, 1991, 66: 2689. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.66.2689
[34] |
Arndt M, Nairz O, Vos-Andreae J, et al. Wave–particle duality of C60 molecules. Nature, 1999, 401: 680–682. doi: 10.1038/44348
[35] |
Hackermüller L, Uttenthaler S, Hornberger K, et al. Wave nature of biomolecules and fluorofullerenes. Physical Review Letters, 2003, 91: 090408. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.090408
[36] |
Zha W, Ruan L, Tang Z, et al. Double-slit experiment at Fermi scale: Coherent photoproduction in heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review C, 2019, 99: 061901. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.061901
[37] |
Barrett R C, Jackson D F. Nuclear Sizes and Structure. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 1977.
[38] |
Matsui T, Satz H. J/ψ suppression by quark-gluon plasma formation. Physics Letters B, 1986, 178 (4): 416–422. doi: 10.1016/0370-2693(86)91404-8
[39] |
Chen B Y. Detailed rapidity dependence of J/ψ production at energies available at the Large Hadron Collider. Physical Review C, 2016, 93: 054905. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.054905
[40] |
Zha W, Ruan L, Tang Z, et al. Coherent lepton pair production in hadronic heavy ion collisions. Physics Letters B, 2018, 781: 182–186. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2018.04.006
[41] |
Inghirami G, Del Zanna L, Beraudo A, et al. Numerical magneto-hydrodynamics for relativistic nuclear collisions. The European Physical Journal C, 2016, 76 (12): 659. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-016-4516-8
[42] |
Asakawa M, Majumder A, Muller B. Electric charge separation in strong transient magnetic fields. Physical Review C, 2010, 81: 064912. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.064912
[43] |
Kharzeev D E, Warringa H J. Chiral magnetic conductivity. Physical Review D, 2009, 80: 034028. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevD.80.034028
[44] |
The ATLAS Collaboration1, Aad G, Abat E, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. Journal of Instrumentation, 2008, 3: S08003. doi: 10.1088/1748-0221/3/08/s08003
[45] |
ATLAS Collaboration, Aad G, Abbott B, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). Measurement of the muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector using 2011 and 2012 LHC proton-proton collision data. The European Physical Journal C, 2014, 74: 3130. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-014-3130-x
[46] |
ATLAS Collaboration, Aad G, Abbott B, et al. (ATLAS Collaboration). Muon reconstruction performance of the ATLAS detector in proton–proton collision data at
[47] |
Zha W, Brandenburg J D, Tang Z, et al. Initial transverse-momentum broadening of Breit-Wheeler process in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physics Letters B, 2020, 800: 135089. doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135089
[48] |
Vidović M, Greiner M, Best C, et al. Impact-parameter dependence of the electromagnetic particle production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review C, 1993, 47: 2308. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.47.2308
[49] |
Hencken K, Trautmann D, Baur G. Impact-parameter dependence of the total probability for electromagnetic electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review A, 1995, 51: 1874. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.51.1874
[50] |
Alscher A, Hencken K, Trautmann D, et al. Multiple electromagnetic electron-positron pair production in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Physical Review A, 1997, 55: 396. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevA.55.396
[51] |
Adams J, Aggarwal M M, Ahammed Z, et al. (STAR Collaboration). Production of
[52] |
Abelev B, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). J/ψ suppression at forward rapidity in Pb-Pb collisions at
[53] |
Abelev B I, et al. (STAR Collaboration).
[54] |
PHENIX Collaboration, S.Afanasiev S, Aidalag C, et al. (PHENIX Collaboration). Photoproduction of J/ψ and of high mass
[55] |
The ALICE Collaboration, Abbas E, Abelev B, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Charmonium and
[56] |
Khachatryan V, Sirunyan A M, Tumasyan A, et al. (CMS Collaboration). Coherent J/ψ photoproduction in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at
[57] |
Abelevbv B, Adamal J, Adamová D, et al. (ALICE Collaboration). Centrality, rapidity and transverse momentum dependence of J/ψ suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at
[58] |
Klein S R. Two-photon production of dilepton pairs in peripheral heavy ion collisions. Physical Review C, 2018, 97: 054903. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.97.054903