ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N


Design of two-channel causal-stable IIR filter banks by spectral factorization

  • A new method was proposed for designing two-channel filter banks (FBs) with causal-stable IIR filters. By using IIR filters with a cosine-rolloff transition band, the flatness condition required for two-channel NPR FB was automatically satisfied. Instead of designing the frequency magnitude responses of the analysis filters, the power spectra of the desired filters were designed by solving a quasi-convex problem. When the solution was found, the analysis filters desired can be obtained by spectral factorization. The polyphase components of the analysis filters were assumed to have an identical denominator to simplify the PR condition. Two-channel NPR IIR FB so obtained has a reasonably low reconstruction error and can be employed as the initial guess to constrained nonlinear optimization software for designing the PR IIR FB.
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