ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N

Open AccessOpen Access JUSTC Management 15 November 2023

Attention: The impact of media attention on market reaction to corporate violations

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  • Author Bio:

    Chenxi Wang is a postgraduate student at the School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China. Her research mainly focuses on risk and strategic management

    Lei Zhou is an Associate Professor at the School of Public Affairs, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC). He received his Ph.D. degree from USTC in 2014. His research mainly focuses on risk and strategic management

  • Corresponding author: E-mail:
  • Received Date: 08 March 2023
  • Accepted Date: 22 May 2023
  • Available Online: 15 November 2023
  • Reducing market volatility and achieving high-quality development are important tasks for the Chinese capital market at the present stage. Based on the asset pricing role of media, this study used the event study to empirically examine the impact, as well as the heterogeneity from type and emotional tendency, of media attention on the market reaction to corporate violations from the perspective of limited attention. The results showed that the media’s prior attention to the listed company has a significantly negative impact on the market reaction after the company’s violation. The attention of network media and policy-oriented media has a significantly negative correlation with the market reaction after the company’s violation, while market-oriented media has no significant impact. Compared with neutral media attention, negative and positive media attention trigger more severe negative market reaction after company violations. Furthermore, the negative impact of media attention on the market reaction after corporate violations is mainly manifested in non-state-owned enterprises. The results demonstrate the important role of media attention in asset pricing and have important practical significance for better playing the role of the media, protecting the rights and interests of investors and achieving high-quality development of the capital market.
    Media attention, media type, media emotional tendency, and market reaction to listed companies’ violations.
    Reducing market volatility and achieving high-quality development are important tasks for the Chinese capital market at the present stage. Based on the asset pricing role of media, this study used the event study to empirically examine the impact, as well as the heterogeneity from type and emotional tendency, of media attention on the market reaction to corporate violations from the perspective of limited attention. The results showed that the media’s prior attention to the listed company has a significantly negative impact on the market reaction after the company’s violation. The attention of network media and policy-oriented media has a significantly negative correlation with the market reaction after the company’s violation, while market-oriented media has no significant impact. Compared with neutral media attention, negative and positive media attention trigger more severe negative market reaction after company violations. Furthermore, the negative impact of media attention on the market reaction after corporate violations is mainly manifested in non-state-owned enterprises. The results demonstrate the important role of media attention in asset pricing and have important practical significance for better playing the role of the media, protecting the rights and interests of investors and achieving high-quality development of the capital market.
    • Based on the asset pricing role of media, this study used the event study to empirically examine the impact, as well as the heterogeneity from type and emotional tendency, of media attention on the market reaction to corporate violations from the perspective of limited attention.
    • The media’s prior attention to listed companies has a significant negative impact on the market reaction after corporate violations.
    • There is heterogeneity in media types and emotional effects of media coverage.

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    Huang Z, Wu G P. The market reaction and the impact on investors’ interest of the punishment of illegal disclosure. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2013 (3): 66–71. (in Chinese) doi: 10.16164/j.cnki.22-1062/c.2013.03.046
    Tang T Z, Ma X, Song X Z. Financial restatement and financial market stability: Based on the perspective of stock price crash risk. Accounting Research, 2021 (11): 31–43. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-2886.2021.11.003
    Zhang D N, Liu C L. Research on the impact of corporate social responsibility on stock market reactions to violation events. Chinese Journal of Management, 2022, 19 (9): 1288–1296. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-884x.2022.09.004
    Jiang X L, Zhao Y L. Management power structure, violation and corporate value: The evidence from A-share listed companies. Journal of Shanxi Finance and Economics University, 2017, 39 (5): 68–81. (in Chinese) doi: 10.13781/j.cnki.1007-9556.2017.05.006
    Zhu G D, Shen W T. A study on effectiveness of penalties of listed companies’ violation of regulations. Commercial Research, 2011 (8): 101–106. doi: 10.13902/j.cnki.syyj.2011.08.007
    Ma D F, Qian B Y. Social trust, corporate violations and market reactions. Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2016 (6): 77–84. (in Chinese)
    Liu L H, Xu Y P, Rao P G, et al. The contagion effects of irregularities within business groups. Journal of Financial Research, 2019 (6): 113–131. (in Chinese)
    Zhu J. Media sentiment, government supervision strategy, and stock price fluctuation risk. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021, 2021: 5532663. doi: 10.1155/2021/5532663
    Liu C, Wang S L, Li D. Hidden in a group? Market reactions to multi-violator corporate social irresponsibility disclosures. Strategic Management Journal, 2021, 43 (1): 160–179. doi: 10.1002/smj.3330
    Kipp P C, Zhang Y, Tadesse A F. Can social media interaction and message features influence non-professional investors’ perceptions of firms. Journal of Information Systems, 2019, 33 (2): 77–98. doi: 10.2308/isys-52067
    Wu D. Does social media get your attention. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 2019, 20 (2): 213–226. doi: 10.1080/15427560.2018.1505729
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    Quan X F, Hong T, Wu S N. Selective attention, the ostrich effect and market anomalies. Journal of Financial Research, 2012 (3): 109–123. (in Chinese)
    Zhang S Q. Notice of clarification, media coverage and the stock price of listed company. The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics, 2018, 39 (1): 50–55. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-7217.2018.01.008
    Zhong H B, Zeng Y M. Can financial coverage convince the market? Based on the empirical research of market rumors in China. Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2019 (06): 87–98, 170. (in Chinese) doi: 10.12046/j.issn.1000-5285.2019.06.010
    Xu X D, Zeng S X, Zou H L, et al. The impact of corporate environmental violation on shareholders’ wealth: A media coverage perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2016, 25 (2): 73–91. doi: 10.1002/bse.1858
    Fang L, Peress J. Media coverage and the cross-section of stock returns. Journal of Finance, 2009, 64 (5): 2023–2052. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2009.01493.x
    Dougal C, Engelberg J, Garcia D, et al. Journalists and the stock market. Review of Financial Studies, 2012, 25 (3): 639–679. doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhr133
    Guan Y J, Zhang J, Liu Y. Media attention, investor sentiment and stock market volatility. Statistics & Decision, 2022, 38 (24): 143–148. (in Chinese) doi: 10.13546/j.cnki.tjyjc.2022.24.028
    Mitchell M L, Mulherin J H. The impact of public information on the stock market. The Journal of Finance, 1994, 49 (3): 923–950. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1994.tb00083.x
    Chan W S. Stock price reaction to news and no-news: Drift and reversal after headlines. Journal of Financial Economics, 2003, 70 (2): 223–260. doi: 10.1016/s0304-405x(03)00146-6
    Tetlock P C. Giving content to investor sentiment: The role of media in the stock market. The Journal of Finance, 2007, 62 (3): 1139–1168. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2007.01232.x
    Takeda F, Yamazaki H. Stock price reactions to public TV programs on listed Japanese companies. Economics Bulletin, 2006, 13 (11): 1–7.
    An Z, Chen C, Naiker V, et al. Does media coverage deter firms from withholding bad news? Evidence from stock price crash risk. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020, 64: 101664. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2020.101664
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    Jia X C, Zhao Y, Meng S, et al. Limited attention of investors and the liquidation of non-tradable shares. Journal of Financial Research, 2010 (11): 108–122. (in Chinese)
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    Liu J L, Huang C Y, Dan L, et al. Opinion leadership, limited attention and overreaction. Economic Research Journal, 2018 (3): 126–141. (in Chinese)
    Lu Q Y, Chen H. Media coverage, investor sentiment and stock price volatility. Research on Financial and Economic Issues, 2021 (3): 60–67. (in Chinese) doi: 10.19654/j.cnki.cjwtyj.2021.03.007
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    Renault T. Intraday online investor sentiment and return patterns in the U.S. stock market. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2017, 84: 25–40. doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2017.07.002
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    Figure  1.  Research model.

    Figure  2.  Abnormal return rate after corporate violation.

    Feroz E H, Park K J, Pastena V. The financial and market effects of the SEC’s accounting and auditing enforcement releases. Journal of Accounting Research, 1991, 29: 107. doi: 10.2307/2491006
    Huang Z, Wu G P. The market reaction and the impact on investors’ interest of the punishment of illegal disclosure. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2013 (3): 66–71. (in Chinese) doi: 10.16164/j.cnki.22-1062/c.2013.03.046
    Tang T Z, Ma X, Song X Z. Financial restatement and financial market stability: Based on the perspective of stock price crash risk. Accounting Research, 2021 (11): 31–43. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-2886.2021.11.003
    Zhang D N, Liu C L. Research on the impact of corporate social responsibility on stock market reactions to violation events. Chinese Journal of Management, 2022, 19 (9): 1288–1296. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1672-884x.2022.09.004
    Jiang X L, Zhao Y L. Management power structure, violation and corporate value: The evidence from A-share listed companies. Journal of Shanxi Finance and Economics University, 2017, 39 (5): 68–81. (in Chinese) doi: 10.13781/j.cnki.1007-9556.2017.05.006
    Zhu G D, Shen W T. A study on effectiveness of penalties of listed companies’ violation of regulations. Commercial Research, 2011 (8): 101–106. doi: 10.13902/j.cnki.syyj.2011.08.007
    Ma D F, Qian B Y. Social trust, corporate violations and market reactions. Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2016 (6): 77–84. (in Chinese)
    Liu L H, Xu Y P, Rao P G, et al. The contagion effects of irregularities within business groups. Journal of Financial Research, 2019 (6): 113–131. (in Chinese)
    Zhu J. Media sentiment, government supervision strategy, and stock price fluctuation risk. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2021, 2021: 5532663. doi: 10.1155/2021/5532663
    Liu C, Wang S L, Li D. Hidden in a group? Market reactions to multi-violator corporate social irresponsibility disclosures. Strategic Management Journal, 2021, 43 (1): 160–179. doi: 10.1002/smj.3330
    Kipp P C, Zhang Y, Tadesse A F. Can social media interaction and message features influence non-professional investors’ perceptions of firms. Journal of Information Systems, 2019, 33 (2): 77–98. doi: 10.2308/isys-52067
    Wu D. Does social media get your attention. Journal of Behavioral Finance, 2019, 20 (2): 213–226. doi: 10.1080/15427560.2018.1505729
    Liang C, Tang L, Li Y, et al. Which sentiment index is more informative to forecast stock market volatility? Evidence from China. International Review of Financial Analysis, 2020, 71: 101552. doi: 10.1016/j.irfa.2020.101552
    Shen X. Trading and non-trading period Internet information flow and intraday return volatility. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 2016, 451: 519–524. doi: 10.1016/j.physa.2016.01.086
    Zhang Y, Song W, Shen D, et al. Market reaction to Internet news: Information diffusion and price pressure. Economic Modeling, 2016, 56: 43–49. doi: 10.1016/j.econmod.2016.03.020
    Da Z, Engelberg J, Gao P. The sum of all FEARS investor sentiment and asset prices. The Review of Financial Studies, 2015, 28: 1–32. doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhu072
    Quan X F, Hong T, Wu S N. Selective attention, the ostrich effect and market anomalies. Journal of Financial Research, 2012 (3): 109–123. (in Chinese)
    Zhang S Q. Notice of clarification, media coverage and the stock price of listed company. The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics, 2018, 39 (1): 50–55. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-7217.2018.01.008
    Zhong H B, Zeng Y M. Can financial coverage convince the market? Based on the empirical research of market rumors in China. Journal of Fujian Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition), 2019 (06): 87–98, 170. (in Chinese) doi: 10.12046/j.issn.1000-5285.2019.06.010
    Xu X D, Zeng S X, Zou H L, et al. The impact of corporate environmental violation on shareholders’ wealth: A media coverage perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, 2016, 25 (2): 73–91. doi: 10.1002/bse.1858
    Fang L, Peress J. Media coverage and the cross-section of stock returns. Journal of Finance, 2009, 64 (5): 2023–2052. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2009.01493.x
    Dougal C, Engelberg J, Garcia D, et al. Journalists and the stock market. Review of Financial Studies, 2012, 25 (3): 639–679. doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhr133
    Guan Y J, Zhang J, Liu Y. Media attention, investor sentiment and stock market volatility. Statistics & Decision, 2022, 38 (24): 143–148. (in Chinese) doi: 10.13546/j.cnki.tjyjc.2022.24.028
    Mitchell M L, Mulherin J H. The impact of public information on the stock market. The Journal of Finance, 1994, 49 (3): 923–950. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1994.tb00083.x
    Chan W S. Stock price reaction to news and no-news: Drift and reversal after headlines. Journal of Financial Economics, 2003, 70 (2): 223–260. doi: 10.1016/s0304-405x(03)00146-6
    Tetlock P C. Giving content to investor sentiment: The role of media in the stock market. The Journal of Finance, 2007, 62 (3): 1139–1168. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2007.01232.x
    Takeda F, Yamazaki H. Stock price reactions to public TV programs on listed Japanese companies. Economics Bulletin, 2006, 13 (11): 1–7.
    An Z, Chen C, Naiker V, et al. Does media coverage deter firms from withholding bad news? Evidence from stock price crash risk. Journal of Corporate Finance, 2020, 64: 101664. doi: 10.1016/j.jcorpfin.2020.101664
    Kahneman D. Attention and Effort. Englewood Cliffs, USA: Prentice Hall, 1973.
    Al-Nasseri A, Ali F M. What does investors’ online divergence of opinion tell us about stock returns and trading volume. Journal of Business Research, 2018, 86: 166–178. doi: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2018.01.006
    Barber B M, Odean T. All that glitters: The effect of attention and news on the buying behavior of individual and institutional investors. Review of Financial Studies, 2008, 21 (2): 785–818. doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhm079
    Jia X C, Zhao Y, Meng S, et al. Limited attention of investors and the liquidation of non-tradable shares. Journal of Financial Research, 2010 (11): 108–122. (in Chinese)
    Jacob B, Ronen F, Shimon K. Information, trading, and volatility: Evidence from firm-specific news. Review of Financial Studies, 2019, 32 (3): 992–1033. doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhy083
    Liu J L, Huang C Y, Dan L, et al. Opinion leadership, limited attention and overreaction. Economic Research Journal, 2018 (3): 126–141. (in Chinese)
    Lu Q Y, Chen H. Media coverage, investor sentiment and stock price volatility. Research on Financial and Economic Issues, 2021 (3): 60–67. (in Chinese) doi: 10.19654/j.cnki.cjwtyj.2021.03.007
    Lv H K, Liu Z H, Qian Y X, et al. Relationship between financial news and stock market fluctuations. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5 (1): 99–111. (in Chinese) doi: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2020.0063
    Renault T. Intraday online investor sentiment and return patterns in the U.S. stock market. Journal of Banking & Finance, 2017, 84: 25–40. doi: 10.1016/j.jbankfin.2017.07.002
    Tausch F, Zumbuehl M. Stability of risk attitudes and media coverage of economic news. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018, 150 (6): 295–310. doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2018.01.013
    Zhong H B, Shen Y Q, Zhang Y M. The influence of news discourse and stock price based on the perspective of financial media types. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2018, 20 (3): 98–104. (in Chinese) doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2018.2834
    Li P G, Shen Y F. The role of media in corporate governance: Empirical evidence from China. Economic Research Journal, 2010, 45 (4): 14–27. (in Chinese)
    Rodriguez F, Garza S. Predicting emotional intensity in social networks. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems: Applications in Engineering and Technology, 2019, 36 (5): 4709–4719. doi: 10.3233/jifs-179020
    Zhang L. Public information disclosure, media report tone and stock price behavior: A news report perspective based on equity change information. Friends of Accounting, 2017 (4): 96–99. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-5937.2017.04.021
    Zhang T J, Sun Q. Over-optimistic sentiment of Internet media and stock price crash risk. Modernization of Management, 2022, 42 (1): 34–39. (in Chinese) doi: 10.19634/j.cnki.11-1403/c.2022.01.006
    Li H. The impact of investor expectations on stock prices. The Journal of World Economy, 2001 (6): 19–22. (in Chinese)
    Dai Y Y, Yue P, Liu S C. Media supervision, government intervention and corporate governance: Evidence from the perspective of financial restatement of Chinese listed companies. The Journal of World Economy, 2011 (11): 121–144. (in Chinese)
    Shiller R J. Measuring bubble expectations and investor confidence. The Journal of Psychology and Financial Markets, 2000, 1 (1): 49–60. doi: 10.1207/s15327760jpfm0101_05
    Merton R C. A simple model of capital market equilibrium with incomplete information. The Journal of Finance, 1987, 42 (3): 483–510. doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.1987.tb04565.x
    Quan X F, Yin H Y, Wu H J. Analysis of asymmetric effects of media coverage on IPO stock price evidence from Chinese growth enterprise market. Accounting Research, 2015 (6): 56–63. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-2886.2015.06.008
    Wang J X, Rao Y L, Peng D F. What drives the stock market “media coverage effect” expected media attention or unexpected media attention. Systems Engineering — Theory & Practice, 2015, 35 (1): 37–48. (in Chinese) doi: 10.12011/1000-6788(2015)1-37
    Liu F, Ye Q, Li Y J. Impacts of interactions between news attention and investor attention on stock returns: Empirical investigation on financial shares in China. Journal of Management Sciences in China, 2014, 17 (1): 72–85. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1007-9807.2014.01.007
    Wu Y. Momentum trading, mean reversal and overreaction in Chinese stock market. Review of Quantitative Finance& Accounting, 2011, 37 (3): 301–323. doi: 10.1007/s11156-010-0206-z
    Mullainathan S. A memory-based model of bounded rationality. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2002, 117 (3): 735–774. doi: 10.1162/003355302760193887
    Coombs W T. Protecting organization reputations during a crisis: The development and application of situational crisis communication theory. Corporate Reputation Review, 2007, 10 (3): 163–176. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.crr.1550049
    Wang X N, Zhou L Y. The mechanism of new media influence on haze risk perception. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (Social Sciences Edition), 2020, 22 (2): 41–49. doi: 10.15918/j.jbitss1009-3370.2020.3290
    Yang Y, Zhao Y L. Media type, media attention and listed companies’ violations: A study based on propensity score matching method. Modern Economic Research, 2017 (12): 60–69. doi: 10.13891/j.cnki.mer.2017.12.008
    Lu D, Fu P, Yang D. Media type, media coverage and internal control quality of listed firms. Accounting Research, 2015 (4): 78–85. (in Chinese) doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-2886.2015.04.011
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