Large and nonlinear electric field response in a two-dimensional ferroelectric Rashba material
The achievement of electrical spin control is highly desirable. One promising strategy involves electrically modulating the Rashba spin orbital coupling effect in materials. A semiconductor with high sensitivity in its Rashba constant to external electric fields holds great potential for short channel lengths in spin field-effect transistors, which is crucial for preserving spin coherence and enhancing integration density. Hence, two-dimensional (2D) Rashba semiconductors with large Rashba constants and significant electric field responses are highly desirable. Herein, by employing first-principles calculations, we design a thermodynamically stable 2D Rashba semiconductor, YSbTe3, which possesses an indirect band gap of 1.04 eV, a large Rashba constant of 1.54 eV·Å and a strong electric field response of up to 4.80 e·Å2. In particular, the Rashba constant dependence on the electric field shows an unusual nonlinear relationship. At the same time, YSbTe3 has been identified as a 2D ferroelectric material with a moderate polarization switching energy barrier (~ 0.33 eV per formula). By changing the electric polarization direction, the Rashba spin texture of YSbTe3 can be reversed. These outstanding properties make the ferroelectric Rashba semiconductor YSbTe3 quite promising for spintronic applications.