ISSN 0253-2778

CN 34-1054/N


A novel hybrid solar preheating intercooled gas turbine based on linear Fresnel reflector
Yousef N. DABWAN, PEI Gang, Trevor Hocksun KWAN, ZHAO Bing
2021, 51(7): 505-520. DOI: 10.52396/JUST-2021-0065
Abstract PDF
Multi-valued indicators in DEA in the presence of undesirable outputs: A goal-directed approach
2021, 51(7): 521-541. DOI: 10.52396/JUST-2021-0092
Abstract PDF
Effects of rural tourism information quality in social media on tourists' travel intention
Kong Bingxian, Shi Xiao, Yang Feng
2021, 51(7): 542-561. DOI: 10.52396/JUST-2021-0111
Abstract PDF
An efficient multi-user multi-keyword fuzzy search scheme over encrypted cloud storage
Ling Huaze, Xue Kaiping, Wei David S.L., Li Ruidong
2021, 51(7): 562-576. DOI: 10.52396/JUST-2021-0071
Abstract PDF